Meditation and prayer rooms

Here you will find information on where on campus you can find the meditation rooms.

Oasen and Andrummet are rooms for meditation and prayer located on Campus Solna and Campus Flemingsberg respectively. The rooms can also be used if you need a calm space for breastfeeding. The rooms are open to all students, researchers and staff at Karolinska Institutet.

To make sure that everyone feels welcome in these rooms, please do not leave anything in the room when you are done.

Campus Solna: "oasen"

The Oasen room is located in House 75:01, Retzius väg 13b, room E365.

All students have access via their KI card.

Campus Flemingsberg: "andrummet"

The Andrummet room is located at Alfred Nobels Allé 8 on the 5th floor.

All students have access via their KI card.

Emma Karlsson