Fausta - Master's in Bioentrepreneurship

Fausta is an international student and digital ambassador at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Do you have questions about student life at KI? Send her an email or read her blog.

Programme: Master’s in Bioentrepreneurship

From: Lithuania

Contact me in: English, Lithuanian

Email: fausta.petrauskaite@stud.ki.se

Read Fausta's blog

My name is Fausta. I am originally from Lithuania, but spent most of my life in Canada, so the Swedish winters do not scare me! I am the new blogger for the Master’s Programme in Bioentrepreneurship and am excited to share my experiences with you!

As a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry student, I had become aware of the outstanding medical research conducted here at KI. However, it was not until I started working in a pharmaceutical lab that I first heard of the MBE from a colleague. At the time, I could not have imagined that short conversation would determine the next two years of my life!

Bioentrepreneurship entails the combination of business management skills and scientific knowledge to train future leaders in the life sciences industry. My favourite aspect about the programme is the multiple exposures to industry it offers and the possibility to gain hands-on experience within various fields.

Aside from my studies, I am always excited to explore Stockholm and its many beautiful hidden gems! I love finding new cafes and bakeries where I can read a few chapters of my book with a warm cup of coffee in hand. Fun fact – I love camping! One of my goals is to camp across the north of Sweden and hopefully see the northern lights.
