Vlad - Bachelor's in Biomedicine

Vlad is an international student and digital ambassador at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Do you have questions about student life at KI? Send him an email or read his blog.

Programme: Bachelor's in Biomedicine

From: Romania

Contact me in: English, Romanian, French

Email: vlad.popescu@stud.ki.se

Read Vlad's blog

My name is Vlad and I am from Romania. I am the new blogger for the Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine!

Even though I am an economist, I chose to pursue my second undergraduate degree in biomedicine at Karolinska Institutet because of its academic excellence. Not to mention that its core facilities for research are far superior to anything I have ever seen. My dream is to work in the field of Cancer Genetics, and to be able to discover a treatment through which we can stop for good or at least significantly reduce the incidence and progression of this cruel disease. I wish that in the coming years, KI will teach me how to use its inestimable tools, infrastructure, and networks so that I can grow and become a well-trained scientist with a valuable expertise in a wide range of fields.

Coming from the dark depths of the Transylvanian Mountains, known for their strongly impregnating Gothic style, my first aim in Sweden was to visit the sensational collection of preserved medieval manuscripts at Kungliga Biblioteket. I am enchanted by the 14th century European art and by the religious iconographic representations in the Middle Ages.

As a super huge fan of horror movies, I can reproduce the whole script of “Van Helsing” and “The Nun”.
