Fire safety information for KI students

As a student at KI campus you should of course feel safe when residing here. KI works hard to make sure that all facilities have a high fire safety standard, and you as an individual also have a responsibility to contribute to achieve this. By having knowledge of and complying with KI´s routines in case of fire and/or evacuation, and reporting incidents, you contribute to increased safety for yourself and your fellow students.

Evacuation specifically from lecture halls/rooms

Every larger lecture hall/room under the Professional Services' control has the equipment to handle an evacuation situation in an organized fashion and according to routines for all KI personel. This equipment includes a safety message, to be read out loud by the teacher before the lecture, a poster with information on where the assembly point for the building is located, and a Fire warden vest and instruction card to be used when evacuating.

In the event of an evacuation during an ongoing lecture, you are to use the nearest emergency exit and make your way to the building’s assembly point, where you wait for further information from your teacher or other Fire wardens. You are not allowed to go inside the building again, until you have received information from your teacher or other Fire wardens at the assembly point, that it is safe. If you for some reason are required to leave the assembly point, you need to contact your teacher first, so that he/she knows why you are missing.

Evacuation from other facilities on campus

If you are present in a building during an evacuation alarm, you always follow the directions of Fire wardens (recognized through their yellow fluorescent vest with the text ”Fire Wardens” on the back), or if no Fire Warden is present, you evacuate the building on your own initiative through the nearest emergency exit, and make your way to the building´s assembly point where you wait for further information. 

If you discover a fire

If you discover a fire on your own, you should first of all save or warn those in immediate danger. You can manually activate the evacuation alarm by yourself or with the help from others, by pressing any of the alarm buttons (square red plastic boxes often located in the vicinity of emergency exits). Try to quickly assess if you can extinguish the fire, by using available extinguishing equipment (eg. fire extinguisher, fire blanket, fire hydrant hose). Do not take unnecessary risks! If you feel unsure, try to shut the fire in as best as you can, evacuate the building and make your way to the building´s assembly point. Call 112 for emergency services and inform them about what has happened, then also tell any of the Fire wardens at the assembly point.

Fire prevention

It is best of course if a fire and evacuation situation never needs to occur. By reacting to, and reporting incidents e.g. blocked emergency exits or other things out of the ordinary, such as facilities being used for other things than their intended purpose, you can help prevent unnecessary everyday disturbances. As a student you can report incidents in KI´s digital tool for incidents.

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