Studying abroad

As a student at Karolinska Institutet, you have great opportunities to study abroad at one of the many universities with which KI's study programmes have exchange agreements.

Studying abroad as an exchange student gives you the chance to develop academically and socially. As well as interesting studies, you will have the chance to learn about new cultures, make new friends and benefit from a valuable experience.

Exchange agreements

KI has exchange agreements with approximately 150 universities in some 30 countries around the world.

In order for a KI-student to carry out exchange studies in other countries, a signed exchange agreement is needed. Each study programme has its own agreements that apply only to students on that programme. The agreements are reciprocal, which means that the universities send as well as receive students. There are no tuition fees for exchange studies and the student should be able to transfer her/his credits from the studies abroad to KI. 

Exchange study agreements

Exchange programmes

Exchange studies are normally carried out within the frame of an exchange programme. KI cooperates within the frame of the Nordplus Programme for exchanges within the Nordic countries and the Baltic States, and the Erasmus Programme for exchanges within Europe and few countries in low- and middle income countries (ICM).

Many study programmes at KI have also entered agreements with universities that are not covered by the above exchange programmes. Examples of countries covered by such exchanges are the USA, Australia and Singapore.

Internationalisation of KI's Study Programmes

The academic person responsible for internationalisation or the international committees of KI's study programmes are responsible for internationalisation on the respective study programmes, including student exchanges. The members of the international committees consist of teachers and students on the programme. 

They work with the support of an International Student Coordinator and an International Coordinator to set up study places abroad and assist with information and support for the exchanges.

The committees enter agreements with foreign universities and decide on priority rules and the selection of students for the exchange programmes.


Students at KI who participate exchange programmes during their courses can apply for various scholarships.

Scholarships for exchange studies


The application process for exchange studies usually takes place once a year, depending on the study programme. Each study programme has its own application process. More information about the application for your particular programme is available on the programme website.

How do I apply?

Applications must be made online and also be submitted in paper form together with a number of enclosures. Check your programme website for the required documents and the application deadline for your programme. After the application deadline, it is usually possible to apply for any remaining places. If you need inspiration, please read former years' exchange student reports.

Selection and nomination at KI

Rules and selection criteria for exchange studies are decided by the international committee for the study programme and are described on the programme website.

The applications are reviewed by representatives of the international committee, and the exchange places are allocated based on the committee's assessment. A nomination means that you are eligible to apply as an exchange student to the host university.

Applying to the partner university

If you are nominated for exchange studies, the international student coordinator will contact the university and inform it that you have been nominated for an exchange place. Y

ou then make your course choice, which must be approved by an academic representative for your programme (information on who this is, is available on the programme website). This is normally done through a so-called Learning Agreement.

Remember to check which forms and documents the host university requires and the application deadline. Once the host university has received and processed your application, you will receive confirmation of whether you have been accepted.

Inform your International Coordinator as soon as you receive confirmation from the host university.

It is important to remember that you have not been formally accepted for an exchange place until you have applied to the foreign university and it has confirmed your choice of courses and period of study.

Find out more about exchange studies on your study programme

For more information on how to apply for exchange studies on your study programme, see the programme website.

Content reviewer:
Emma Hägg