For students attending the course Strategic Management Control (6 ECTS) course code 4BP043
The course gives a broad overview of financial control in industrial enterprises and its relation to the environment in which the company acts. To plan and control the performance of the organisation at different levels, efficient control is required, based on the organisation's value creation strategy and the individual co-worker's behaviour.
The course starts on 27 October 2025 and ends 12 December 2025.
(Note: Own work and exams 13 December 2025 - 17 January 2026)
This course is given by the Department of Industrial Economics and Management at The Royal institute of Technology.
The primary source of information about the course will be the course website at KTH which you will have access to once registered on the MBE programme.
Course Evaluation
The course will be evaluated in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education.
Course survey HT23
Course leader at KTH
Christian Thomann
Course leaderMadelen Lek
Programme directorLiisa Olsson
Course administratorMalin Sandell
Study CouncelorCanvas

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