IPL day

In order to facilitate an early start to Interprofessional Learning (IPL) KI offers all first-year students in an undergraduate programmes at KI a joint Interprofessional day. This joint day is compulsory for all first year students.

IPL occurs when two or more professions learn about, from and with each other in order to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes.

In accordance with KI´s Strategy 2030:

Cultural, interprofessional and transdisciplinary activities bring students and staff together, strengthen our sense of community, and enrich our perspectives.

Strategy 2030 - Creating Karolinska Institutet's future together

Dates for IPL day

The next IPL day for the Spring 2024 semester will be held on 5th March 2024.  

The morning sessions will be held live at the Södetörns Aula  and the afternoon sessions will held at KI's Flemingsberg campus.  More information may be found on the Canvas platform.

The aim is to early on in your education programme put a focus on different views of health and patient safety and illustrate the purpose of interprofessional cooperation as one way to support the health of the population. The idea is that this happens when students from different programmes interact and learn with, from and about each other.

What happens on IPL day?

The theme of the day is Health. These key aspects are introduced to you in engaging ways during the morning session.  You will have the opportunity to win prizes,  get a more global perspective on health,  and engage in a discussion with an expert inter-professional panel focused around a patient´s narrative.

In the afternoon sessions all participating students are divided into inter-professional groups, where they interact to gain a better understanding of each profession's knowledge and competencies.  The sessions are led by two facilitators connected to different professions,  hence showcasing IPL.

students studying
Photo: Erik Flyg.

This joint day is compulsory for all first year students and is a part of KI's over arching plan for IPL, thus an important part of the students' professional and interprofessional development. 

Learning outcomes

The IPL day stems from the shared interprofessional intended learning outcomes that all the programmes have in common, updated by the board of education 2018-02-07: 

The student must be able to identify and describe the competency of the professions collaborating in their future field.