The Interprofessional Learning Day: IPL day
IPL day is a joint interprofessional day for students at KI. The day marks the beginning of developing interprofessional competence, where collaboration and communication skills are essential components. Early interaction with students from other educational programmes enables broader perspectives and supports professional development.

IPL day
The purpose of IPL day is at an early stage of your education highlight the importance of interprofessional collaboration. This occurs when students from various programmes interact and learn from, with, and about each other.
IPL Day is mandatory for all first-year students.
The next IPL Day will take place on March 11, 2025, at the Flemingsberg campus.

IPL day for Complementary education
In order to facilitate an early start to Interprofessional Learning, IPL, KI offers students in the Complementary education programme a joint Interprofessional day where the theme of the day is patient safety.
This IPL day for Complementary education is held in Swedish.
The next IPL day for Complementary education will be held on the 21st February 2025 at Flemingsberg campus.

Why IPL?
Within health and medical care, you work in teams with different professions to achieve safe and qualitative care. It is therefore important to have knowledge and skills in communication and cooperation, as well as knowledge of the competence and responsibilities of different professions.
Come to the IPL day with me
For staff
Interprofessional Learning for staff
Here you can find information about IPL and contact persons within KI (in Swedish).