The Karolinska Institutet Foundation Scholarships

Karolinska Institutet hereby announces the annual foundation scholarships for students. Applications may be submitted on the basis of academic qualifications and/or financial needs. The scholarships are awarded from a number of different foundations based on proposals by a grant board.


All registered students at basic and advanced level at Karolinska Institutet are eligible to apply. To apply for financial need, you must have completed 1 year of study at KI.

For those applying for financial needs, applicants not entitled to full student aid or only entitled to limited student aid will be prioritized. For master's students you must have some other income.

Eligible to apply for scientific merits is anyone who has done scientific work other than project work/degree work within the education at basic or advanced level and is not a doctoral student or have a PhD. Furthermore, your remaining period of study must correspond to at least 1 year.

Applications for travel grants will not be awarded.


The amounts awarded generally vary between SEK 5,000 and SEK 20,000 and is a one-time payment. If you are granted, the amount will be paid to the account stated in the application form. You need to have a Swedish bank account to receive the money.

Evaluation criteria

Ranking of those who apply for financial needs, will be done according to the following: Highest ranking for persons not entitled to student aid and with aggravating financial circumstances, followed by those not entitled to student aid. Lower priority is given those who are entitled to student aid, but have unavoidable extra expenses. Students with savings or saleable assets, such as shares or funds, are not prioritized. Apartment and real estate are not regarded as saleable assets. Students who have chosen to abstain student aid are not given priority.

Those seeking funding for their scientific qualifications are assessed as follows:

  1. Absence of current research plan gives 0 points.
  2. Initiated research activity with research plan gives 1 point.
  3. Ongoing research activity according to research plan with current manuscript gives 2 points.
  4. Ongoing research activity according to research plan with accepted published article from KI gives 3 points. 

Applications and decision

Applications should be submitted electronically by the KI Prisma system. Start by setting up an account in Prisma. We recommend you to use “Set up a personal account”.  The account can be created before the call opens.

When the call opens, the form shall be filled out in the Prisma system.

Write “Foundation scholarship” in the field for Project Title.

The application form contains a couple of tabs that you should not care about. The Administrating Organisation tab you can choose Project site:  UF_GO. Participants tab do not fill in anything.

Make sure you fill out all information and enclose attachment according to the instructions. Any incomplete application will be disregarded. The applications will be treated confidentially and read only by the grant board and officers at the Professional Services.

Be sure to state the bank's name, clearing and account number.

The application period opens on August 20 and closes on October 1, 2024, at 2 pm. No applications will be accepted after deadline.

All applicants will be notified of the decision during November 2024.


In addition to the information given in the application form, the following must be attached

1. Transcript (Resultatintyg) from Ladok.

2. Proof of registration (Registreringsintyg) for autumn semester 2024 from Ladok.

3. Certificate from CSN (or equivalent student grants from another EU country), stating that you are not eligible to student aid. For other foreign students who are not eligible to CSN, no certificate is required.

For those applying for grants for scientific qualifications, the following shall be attached in addition to Transcript and Proof of registration from Ladok

4. Research plan, maximum 3 A4-pages, describing background, aim, method, a time schedule and any results are described under separate headings. It must be clear from the research plan that ethical permission exists that covers the research proposed in the application, if applicable.

5. In the supervisor's certificate, it must be certified that the applicant has carried out scientific work other than project work/degree work within the education at basic or advanced level and is not a doctoral student/disputed student. Furthermore, it must be stated that the described project is independent relative to other projects in the research group.

6. You must have at least 1 year of studies left to be eligible to apply.

7. Progress report for those previously awarded this grant.


For further information and questions, please e-mail

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