Jiachen Yao - Master's in Health Informatics

Jiachen is an international student and digital ambassador at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Do you have questions about student life at KI? Send her an email or reach out to her on our Chinese social media channels.

Programme: Master’s in Health Informatics

From: China 

Contact me in: Chinese, English

Email: jiachen.yao@stud.ki.se 

Jiachen manages Karolinska Institutet's Chinese social media channels

Jiachen Yao
Photo: Riccardo Cinotti

My name is Jiachen Yao. I’m a first-year student in the Master’s Programme in Health Informatics. I’m responsible for the Chinese social media in the digital ambassador team.

I was born and raised in China and moved to Finland for my bachelor’s studies. I have a background in information and communication technology. It’s my long fascination in biomedical science and my deep admiration of KI that brought me here. KI impresses me with its superior teaching resources, vibrant international collaborations, and various great opportunities. Moreover, after living in Finland for several years, I found myself surviving, and even enjoying the long winter!

During my stay at KI, I sincerely wish to equip myself with professional knowledge and skills, hopefully engaging myself in cutting-edge research projects. I am also excited about meeting people from various backgrounds and hear about their stories.

I am fond of nature. During my spare time I enjoy taking walks around the forests and lakes. Sitting on the top of a hill, staring at the water is the best form of relaxation in my opinion. I also love travelling, especially by train. The best part is leaning against the window, watching all the views fast receding behind.
