Bobby Simarmata – Master’s in Health Economics, Policy, and Management

Programme: Master’s Health Economics, Policy, and Management 

From: Indonesia 

Contact me in: English, Indonesian 


Watch Bobby's videos on Karolinska Institutet Student Vlogs on YouTube

Bobby Simarmata
Photo: Bobby Simarmata

Hi! My name is Bobby Simarmata. I'm from Indonesia and study the Master's Programme in Health Economics, Policy, and Management here at KI. As a digital ambassador (vlogger), you can watch my videos on our YouTube channel.

I learned about Karolinska Institutet from some alumni in my country, and from an European education fair held in 2017.

KI turned out to be one of the best medical universities in the world with a health economics programme. I decided it was a perfect fit for me as I aspire to be a health economist. And here I am studying, and I've had a wonderful time so far!

In my free time I like to visit nature reserves (forest, river, lake) here in Stockholm. You can enjoy fresh air in this big city of Stockholm by visiting these places.
