Course syllabus for Organisation and Management
Organisation och ledarskap
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
All courses included in semester 4 and below should be passed.
Occupational therapy. leadership and communication, 1.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Practical strategies for oral presentations within the occupational therapy working field.
Organisation, leadership and organisational development, 2.5 credits
Grading scale: GU
Theories and models for leadership, with emphasize on leadership styles in different organisations in relations to occupational therapy competence.
Laws and regurlations from the viewpoint of the student as employee as well as a leader/employer and ethical & genus-related perspectives.
Supervisory methodology focused on supervision as a pedagogical tool for learning.
Developmental work within organisations, that also take consideration to sustainable change.
Professional development - reflection on earlier studies, 1.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Knowledge in developmentalwork and change as well as the students personal professional development. With special forcus on the students ability to empower others to an active, participatory life, and their ability to be a team member.
Teaching methods
The teaching is based on a problem-oriented and collaborative approach to learning in which the tasks provide opportunities for the student to take active responsibility for their learning. The used teaching methods are lectures, study group work, active knowledge acquisition, seminars and an individual assignment.
The course coordinator decides whether, and if so how, absence from compulsory course elements can be made up. Study results cannot be reported until the student has participated in compulsory course elements or compensated for any absence in accordance with instructions from the course coordinator. Absence from a compulsory course element could mean that the student can not retake the element until the next time the course is offered.
The course includes three examinations:
- an individual rhetoric task
- a group assignment that is presented both orally and in writing
- a written task where the students´s individual professional development is reflected upon. Also a structured feedback on another stiudent's work is part of the examination
To pass the course, the grade pass is required in all three examinations. The examinations included in the course are conducted according to established assessment criteria.
Students who do not pass a regular examination are entitled to re-sit the examination on five more occasions. If the student has failed six examinations/tests, no additional examination is given.
Transitional provisions
An examination will be made available for a period of one year in the event of the course being discontinued or a new course syllabus being devised.
Other directives
Course evaluation
The course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education. A course report with an analysis of the results of the course evaluation will be posted on the course web page on completion of the course evaluation.
The course will not be credited in a degree together with another course the student has completed and passed which completely or partly corresponds to the contents of this course.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Mossboda, Britt-Mari; Peterson, Mikael; Rönnholm, Inga, Att vara chef och ledare: dina verktyg för praktiskt ledarskap, Ardbo, Caroline, 4. uppl. : Stockholm : Ekerlid ;a Lidingö :b Mgruppen, 2005 - 142 s. ISBN: 91-7092-036-2, LIBRIS-ID: 9945582,
- Att lära och utvecklas i sin profession, Biguet, Gabriele; Lindquist, Ingrid; Martin, Cathrin; Pettersson, Anna, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2015 - 215 s. ISBN: 9789144092454, LIBRIS-ID: 17592962,
- Lennéer-Axelson, Barbro; Thylefors, Ingela, Arbetsgruppens psykologi, 4., [omarb.] utg. : Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 2005 - 255, [1] s. ISBN: 91-27-09571-1, LIBRIS-ID: 9628613,
- Axelsson, Runo, Hälso- och sjukvårdsadministration i organisationsteoretisk belysning, 3., [uppdaterade och utök.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 1998 - 158 s. ISBN: 91-44-00657-8 ; 211:00, LIBRIS-ID: 8352677,
- Dilschmann, Angelika, Omtanke och struktur: om ledarskap och medarbetarnas hälsa, Stockholm : Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2005 - 19, [1] s. ISBN: 91-7045-762-X, LIBRIS-ID: 10022940, Fritt tillgänglig via Stockholms universitetsbibliotek,
- Bolman, Lee G.; Deal, Terrence E., Nya perspektiv på organisation och ledarskap, Holmqvist, Anna, 3., [rev. och uppdaterade] uppl. /b översättning: Anna Holmqvist : Lund : Studentlitteratur, cop. 2005 - 555 s. ISBN: 91-44-03495-4, LIBRIS-ID: 9832041,
- Dahlbom-Hall, Barbro, Leda kvinnor chefa män, Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 1996
- Dahlbom-Hall, Barbro, Lära män leda kvinnor - till framgång: [-eller lära män leda grabbar till jämställdhet], 2., [väsentligt omarb.] utg. : Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 2002 - 137, [1] s. ISBN: 91-27-09187-2, LIBRIS-ID: 8419386,
- FSA, Den professionella arbetsterapeuten, Nacka : FSA, 2003
- Ledarskap i teamorganiserad verksamhet: en antologi, Ellström, Per-Erik; Kock, Henrik, Linköping : CMTO, 2003 - 187 s. ISBN: 91-7373-872-7, LIBRIS-ID: 9334399,
- Tveiten, Sidsel; Amstrand, Birgitta, Yrkesmässig handledning - mer än ord, 2., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2003 - 263 s. ISBN: 91-44-03230-7, LIBRIS-ID: 9208699,
- Wilhelmson, Lena; Döös, Marianne, Dialogkompetens för utveckling i arbetslivet, Stockholm : Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2002 - 39 s. ISBN: 91-7045-625-9, LIBRIS-ID: 8398115,
- Dahlbom-Hall, Barbro, Lära kvinnor leda kvinnor, Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 2000 - 180, [1] s. ISBN: 91-27-08121-4, LIBRIS-ID: 8348465,
- Hane, Monica; Wennberg, Bengt-Åke, Starkare arbetsterapi - bättre primärvård: tre berättelser om relevant kunskapsutveckling och kunskapsspridning för arbetsterapeuter i dagens och framtidens primärvård, Nacka : Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter, 2003 - 172 s. ISBN: 91-85017-00-0, LIBRIS-ID: 9501544,
- Mogensen, Ester; Thorell-Ekstrand, Ingrid; Löfmark, Anna, Klinisk utbildning i högskolan: perspektiv och utveckling inom verksamhetsförlagd utbildning, 2. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2010 - 157 s. ISBN: 978-91-44-05729-3, LIBRIS-ID: 12050364,
- Maltén, Arne, Det pedagogiska ledarskapet, Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2000 - 264 s. ISBN: 91-44-01389-2, LIBRIS-ID: 8352922,,