Course syllabus for Signal Theory


Essential data

Course code: 1AU058
Course name: Signal Theory
Credits: 6
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Not applicable
Level: GX - First cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Decision date: 2017-04-27
Revised by: Education committee CLINTEC
Last revised: 2023-03-13
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2023

Specific entry requirements

Specific eligibility according to The Programme syllabus of The Study Programme in Audiology 180 credits.

Ta bort detta ovan och ersätt med:
For admission to the course, the student must have passed at least 45 hp from the Audionom program's semester 1-2


The general aim of the course is to give the student basic knowledge of signals and systems, and an understanding of audiological applications of signal theory.

Learning outcomes of the course

On completion of the course the student should be able to:

  • describe signals' properties i time and frequency and explain the relationship between these descriptions
  • apply knowledge on how the energy distribution for broadband signals are calculated, relate this to the signal process properties of systems
  • account for the bases in digital signal processing, and be able to describe the properties of linear and non-linear systems, relate these to hearing aids, and the sense of hear as signal process system, apply this knowledge
  • analyse recorded sound by means of the fundamental concepts of signal theory.


The following parts are included:

Basic signal theory, 2.0 credits

Grading scale: GU
This part gives basic knowledge of the representation of simple and complex signals in the time and frequency domains and about relations between the representations. The terminology from the basic physics education is extended. The concept of bandwidth is treated, including arithmetical rules for band level summation. The basic characteristics of digital signals are discussed.

Signals and systems, 4.0 credits

Grading scale: GU
This part deals with the effect of systems on signals. Simple ideal systems such as filters are treated as well as real systems, both acoustic and electric. The ear is also brought up as an example of a system. Focus is on linear systems. Undesired non-linearity is treated, such as various types of distortion. The hearing aid as a signal processing system is introduced and, in connection with that, undesired non-linearity is discussed. An orientation is given, how to investigate the characteristics of different systems.

Teaching methods

Forms of work that occur are

  • lectures
  • seminars
  • calculation exercises
  • independent theoretical work
  • practically orientated laboratory sessions.

Scheduled supervision is offered in connection to the laboratory sessions. Laborations and seminars are compulsory.


Examination takes place through
Part 1: Basic signal theory, 2 HE credits

  • Oral presentation
  • Attendance at compulsory education

Part 2: Signals and Systems, 4 HE credits

  • Written laboratory report
  • Written assignments
  • Oral presentation
  • Attendance at compulsory education

Students who do not pass a regular examination are entitled to re-sit the examination on five more occasions. Each time the course is offered, one regular examination and two additional examinations are given. Each occasion the student participates in the same test counts as an examination. Supplementary qualification of written assignment is counted as an examination. In case a student is registered for an examination but does not attend, this is not regarded as an examination.

In the event of absence from a mandatory educational element, the student is responsible for contacting the teacher in charge of the course for substitute assignment. The examiner assesses whether and how a student can make up for missed compulsory education elements. Absence from a compulsory educational element may mean that the student cannot complete other parts of the course, a final examination or make up for the educational element until the next time the course is offered.

If there are special grounds, or a need for adaptation for a student with a disability, the examiner may decide to deviate from the syllabus's regulations on the examination form, the number of examination opportunities, the possibility of supplementation or exemptions from the compulsory section/s of the course etc. Content and learning outcomes as well as the level of expected skills, knowledge and abilities may not be changed, removed or reduced.

Transitional provisions

Examination can take place according to an earlier literature list during a time of one year after the date when a renewal of the literature list has been made. Examination will be provided during a time of two years after a possible close-down of the course.

Other directives

Assessment criteria for examination, specific instructions for certain tasks and timetable with specification of compulsory parts and list of responsible teachers may be found on the course's learning platform on the first day of the course.

Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Committee for Higher Education. Course evaluation is carried out both through a written evaluation at the end of the course, and through an oral forum at least once in connection with the course. .

The course will not be credited in a degree together with another course the student has completed and passed which completely or partly corresponds to the contents of this course.

Literature and other teaching aids

Mandatory literature

  • Rosen, Stuart.; Howell, Peter, Signals and systems for speech and hearing, Second edition. : Leiden : Brill, 2013. - pages cm ISBN: 9789004252431, LIBRIS-ID: 14832626, *
  • Emanuel, Diana C.; Letowski, Tomasz, Hearing science, Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, c2009 - xv, 335 p. ISBN: 9780781780476, LIBRIS-ID: 10724924, *

Scientific articles and other materials may be added.

Recommended literature

  • Speaks, Charles E., Introduction to Sound: Acoustics for the Hearing and Speech Sciences, Plural Publishing, 2018 LIBRIS-ID: 22636211,
  • Smith, Steven W., The scientist and engineer's guide to digital signal processing, San Diego, Calif. : California Technical Publ., cop. 1997 - xiv, 626 s. ISBN: 0-9660176-3-3, LIBRIS-ID: 7123439,