Course syllabus for Molecular immunology
Molekylär immunologi
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
A grade of at least E in all courses at term 1-3, and at least 40 higher education credits from term 4-5. The course will not be offered if less than at least 5 students sign up to join the course.
To provide an updated view of the interesting and dynamic areas of immunology, with special emphasis on current aspects of immunological research.
After completing this course the student should be able to:
- Show deeper understanding and theoretical knowledge of current immunological problems
- Present and discuss immunological problems
- Show skill in laboratory work, which includes partly independent laboratory work
- Be able to in writing and orally present their own laboratory work, where discussion of their own results in relation to previously published works is an important part.
The course has got 2 elements.
Laboratory project, 7.0 credits
Grading scale: VU
From week 3 the students will do a laboratory project that they will present orally and as a written report at the end of the course.
Group work, 3.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
The first two weeks of the course will consist of lectures by invited speakers that will give their views on selected issues of current research topics in immunology. The lectures begin with the basic facts, but the speakers are then asked to continue with current problems and to focus on both scientific and methodological aspects of their work. In parallel, the students will have a group work in which an immunological problem is studied, that will end with a presentation to the other students on the course at the end of week 2.
Teaching methods
The teaching is held in the form of lectures, group work and a laborationsprojekt which is supervised by an active KI researchers. In the group work the students are studying an immunological problem in such depth that they can present to and discuss with other students on the course on the theory and practice of the issue. Laboratory work in immunology aimed at providing an insight into how to work with an immunological problems, usually with techniques such as cytotoxicity tests, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, molecular biology, immunofluorescence, etc. By two presentations and a written report, the students will be trained in presentation skills, and to express themselves with a scientific approach.
Component 1, group work, is examined through oral presentation of assigned group work with grades U / G.
Component 2, laboratory project, examined through oral presentation and written report of the laboratory project, the grades U / G / VG.
Compulsory attendance: The first half of Day 1 is mandatory. An attendance of 70% of the lectures during the first two weeks. Active participation in the presentation of the group's work at the end of week 2, and active participation in the lab project and the presentation of this at the end of the course is compulsory. The course responsible person decides if it is possible and in that case how the student can compensate absence form compulsory parts. The affected components will not be registered in LADOK until the student has participated in the compulsory part, or compensated the absence according to the instructions from the course leader.
Limitation of number of occasions to write the exam:
A student who does not pass the examination on the first occasion is offered a maximum of five additional opportunities to sit the examination. If a student has not passed the examination after a total of four attempts then it is recommended that the student retake the whole course at the next opportunity. Following this the student is permitted to sit the examination on another two occasions. A student who fails the examination on six occasions is not permitted to sit the examination again or to retake the course.
Participation in an examination is defined as an occasion on which a student attends an examination, even if the student submits a blank examination paper. If a student has registered to sit an examination, but does not attend the examination, this is not defined as participation in the examination.
Transitional provisions
The course has been cancelled.
Other directives
The course language is English.