Course syllabus for Degree project in biomedicine
Examensarbete i biomedicin
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
All courses in terms 1-3, at least grade E on the courses Tissue biology and Biostatistics, parts 1-3 on the course Pharmacology and Toxicology, part 1 on the course Neuroscience, parts 1 and 2 on the course Molecular Oncology and parts 1 to 3 on the course Molecular medicine.
The goal of the course is to give the students an opportunity to work, under supervision, with a research project within the field of biomedicine, thereby training their practical and theoretical knowledge.
Knowledge and understanding
* The student shall be able to use experimental methods to solve a given scientific task.
* The student shall be able to collect data for statistical analysis.
* The student shall be able to read scientific literature of relevance to the project.
* The student shall be able to present his/her work in a written and oral form.
Skills and ability
* The student shall show independence, critical and creative thinking.
* The student shall be able to formulate new scientific hypotheses in connection with the project.
Evaluation ability and approach
* The student shall appreciate the benefit of collaboration and the link between theoretical and practical knowledge.
* The student shall in a safe manner and in good order be able to handle valuable scientific material.
* The student shall perform the project work in an ethical correct manner.
Individual work with emphasis on practical work and including some literature studies.
An individual study plan will be written jointly by the student and supervisor also serving as a project description with emphasis on methodologies.
The project work can be performed outside Karolinska Institutet.
Teaching methods
Individual experimental work under supervision.
Written summary of the work with oral presentation for the other students, examining teacher and examiner. The grade is based on the practical performance and the final presentations and is set by the examiner after consultation with the supervisor and examining teacher.
Transitional provisions
The course has been cancelled.
Other directives
Evaluation of the course will be done following the course.
Course language is Swedish or English.