Course syllabus for Emergency care - Clinical education
Akutsjukvård - verksamhetsförlagd utbildning
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
- Fluent spoken English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish.
- Passed 90 ECTS credits or 1,5 year of the Nursing programme.
- Basic computer knowledge (e.g. Microsoft Word and Internet research skills).
The goals of the course are that the student after completing the course should be able to:
- describe the nursing process and collaboration with other professions around patients and next of kin within emergency care.
- identify and compare various professional issues such as attitudes, ethics, gender, ethnicity, age, health economics and the health care system in Swedish nursing to the nurse profession in the home country.
The course contains clinical education within emergency care in selected areas, for example operating room, anaesthetic nursing, intensive care or ambulance care. It comprises 32 study hours per week in a hospital that has an agreement with the nursing programme. The remaining 8 hours per week are allocated for literature studies and Internet research.
Teaching methods
The clinical education is supervised by a nurse. The student is recommended to write a logbook with clinical reflections to be used as a base for discussion with the supervisor.
The examiner decides whether, and if so how, absence from compulsory course elements can be made up. Study results cannot be reported until the student has participated in compulsory course elements or compensated for any absence in accordance with instructions from the examiner. Absence from a compulsory course element could mean that the student can not retake the element until the next time the course is offered.
The clinical training includes 40 hours/week of which 32 hours/week is located at the clinical placement. Day -, evening - and night shifts as well as weekends and holidays may occur. Students are not allowed to compress the clinical training.
The examiner may, with immediate effect, interrupt a student's clinical placement (or equivalent) if the student demonstrates such serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitude that patient safety or patient confidence in healthcare is at risk. If a clinical placement is interrupted in this way the student is deemed to have failed that element and to have used up one clinical placement opportunity.
Attendance is compulsory for all days of clinical visits and duties. The supervisor and clinical lecturer together decide how the student should compensate for any absences.
Assessment of placement. Compulsory attendance applies to all the days in the clinical activities. The supervisor, together with the teacher, determines, how the student should make up for any absence. Assessment of the students' achievements and knowledge acquisition takes place continuously during the course.
The course is examined through individual assessment according to evaluation form.
If there are special grounds, or a need for adaptation for a student with a disability, the examiner may decide to deviate from the syllabus's regulations on the examination form, the number of examination opportunities, the possibility of supplementation or exemptions from the compulsory section/s of the
course etc. Content and learning outcomes as well as the level of expected skills, knowledge and abilities may not be changed, removed or reduced
Other directives
The course will be evaluated in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education.