Course syllabus for Research Project in Biomedicine - Euroscholars
Biomedicinskt forskningsprojekt - Euroscholars
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
90 credits in biomedicine, biotechnology, cellular and molecular biology, medicine or equivalent. Proficiency in the English language equivalent to English B at Swedish upper secondary school.
The course intends to give the students the opportunity to work under supervision with a scientific project within the biomedical field and thereby practise independent work and apply her/his practical and theoretical expertise.
Knowledge and understanding
The student should be able to:
• assimilate scientific literature within the field of the project,
• describe experimental methods used to solve a given scientific question,
• collect data for compilation and statistical treatment.
Skills and ability
The student should:
• demonstrate an understanding of independent, critical and creative thinking,
• be able to use experimental methods to solve a given scientific question,
• demonstrate an understanding of how new scientific questions are formulated in connection with the given project, and to be able to put this in perspective to what is known within the specific research field of the project,
• be able to present the project work in written and oral form.
Assessment ability and attitudes
The student should:
• demonstrate an understanding of collegial cooperation and connection between theoretical and practical expertise,
• in a reassuring way and with good order handle valuable scientific material,
• carry out the project work in a research-ethical correct way.
Individual work with emphasis on practical work. Also included are some literature studies. An individual study plan will be written jointly by the student and supervisor, also serving as a project description with emphasis on methodologies.
The course is divided in two parts that are examined separately:
Project work, 24.0 credits
Grading scale: AF
The project is an individual work, that is carried out under supervision and should include literature studies, laboratory sessions and theory.
Literature studies, 6.0 credits
Grading scale: AF
Supervisor led and independent literature studies of literature related to the project.
Teaching methods
Individual laboratory work under supervision.
Part 1: examined orally. Grading scale Pass/Fail.
Part 2: examined through written report and oral presentation of the project. Grading scale F/Fx/E/D/C/B/A.
The final grade of the course will be the same as the grade on part 2.
Other directives
The course language is English.
The course may not be included in higher education qualification at the same time with the overview and passed course, whose contents completely or partly corresponds to the course content. The following course is completely overlapping: 1QA107, Biomedical research project - Euroscholars, 30 credits.