Course syllabus for Project work in biomedical laboratory science
Projektarbete i biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
- The course turns to incoming exchange students from Biomedical laboratory science education or the equivalent and that have completed smallest 105 credits/ECTS of his education.
- The course requires that the student talks and write fluent English.
The general aims of the course are that the student should carry out a project work with increasing independence, within the field of biomedical laboratory science or its equivalent in a professional context. This means , that the student deepens his/her practical and theoretical knowledge within the main field of study and integrates these with knowledge of the research process and demonstrates a scientific approach and a good ability in cooperation.
Knowledge and understanding
After passing the course, the student should be able to:
* Show deepend knowledge in the specific area of science in the form of related knowledge in the areas of biomedicine and medicine.
* Show deepend knowledge of appropriate methods, including statistics, within the framework of a defined project.
Skill and ability
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
* Search, interpret critically and compile scientific knowledge from published scientific data.
* Formulate a clear aim including hypothesis within the main field of study biomedical laboratory science or its equivalent.
* Prepare a study design from knowledge in the main field of study, on how an hypothesis can be examined.
* Carry out a study according to the study design and apply methodology within main field of study to test the hypothesis and reflect on possible problems during the implementation.
* Analyse, evaluate critically and process collected data in an appropriate manner from its design.
* Synthesise (compile, draw conclusions and discuss) and account for collected data in relation to issue/hypothesis and published scientific data orally and in writing.
* Critically review scientific data orally and in writing.
Judgement and approach
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
* Apply a professional attitude by showing an ability to cooperate well and ability to carry out the study within given time frame.
* Apply a scientific approach and research methodology in accordance with good research practice, ethical guidelines and social aspects.
* Analyse and identify his/her need of additional knowledge to develop his/her skills
The student designs together with supervisors a degree project according to guidelines for a scientific study within the main field of study biomedical laboratory science or its equivalent. The degree project and the documentation around the implementation should be in line with "Research documentation at Karolinska Institutet- a hand book" by Cecilia Björkdahl and Karolinska Institutet's established "Guidelines for planning, implementation and documentation of clinical and epidemiological research or experimental research".
A clearly defined question to be studied should be included in the design of the degree project and by acquiring knowledge in the area, including independent literature studies of relevant scientific articles, an hypothysis and aim is formulated. The degree project is described in a project plan in consultation with supervisors and is approved by an examiner before starting of the degree project. The design, the planning and the progress of the project are presented and discussed at a half-time control. The student applies chosen methodology and documents the work in accordance with given guidelines. After implementation the student analyses and processes data in an adequate way and applies statistical methods when appropriate.
In the last stage the student summarises his/her project while considering own assumptions and other published results in the area in a written and an oral report. The student carries out a critical review of scientific work in a professional context during the project . As part of In the course, the student is to present his/her project at an open seminar and be able to understand and respond to others questions on the project.
Teaching methods
The teaching is given in the form of independent studies-, planning-, method application-, data analysis- and evaluation work in interplay with supervisors. In the interplay with the supervisor, a joint planning of the supervision for the degree project is included. In the course is included also:
* Compulsory half-time review.
* Presentation and defence of the project at a seminar is compulsory.
The course includes the following subparts:
* Half-time control. Compulsory part Grade Fail/Pass
* The project practical implementation. Grades A- Fx
* Written report . Grades A- Fx
* Presentation and defence:
- Oral presentation. Grade Fail/Pass
- Defences of the own project. Fail/Pass
Course grade: For the grade E in the whole course, it is required that all aims are passed. Criteria for the grading stages E to A according to specific criteria.
If the student has failed the practical implementation of the project, the student has failed the course and can not be assessed in the other parts; written report, presentation and defence. . The student is given the opportunity to retake the course one more time.