Course syllabus for Project work in Occupational Therapy

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Essential data

Course code: 1EE064
Course name: Project work in Occupational Therapy
Credits: 15
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Occupational Therapy
Level: G2 - First cycle 2
Grading scale: Fail (F), fail (Fx), sufficient (E), satisfactory (D), good (C), very good (B) or excellent (A)
Department: Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Decision date: 2009-04-21
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2009

Specific entry requirements

Occupational therapists work within wide area of everyday problems, and in a great variety of venues. Research into effective interventions within each area is needed. During this course students (largely self-directed) will implement a small project work. They will collect qualitative or quantitative data appropriate to the aim and design of the study, they will analyze and interpret the result and determine the implications for occupational therapy. Requirements * As Required for the student is admitted to an Occupational Therapy program and that a total of 90 credits from earlier semesters shall be approved. Prerequisites in qualitative and quantitative design


The aim of the course is that students shall have a readiness to plan, carry out and defend an investigation of a scientific problem area within the discipline of occupational therapy. Learning Outcomes After completing the course the student will be able - Provide a review of published research in areas relevant to the chosen research topic - Use a theoretical approach to research questions within the discipline of occupational therapy - Carry out the research process in accordance with the research plan - Undertake appropriate organization, analysis and interpretation of data - Provide a critical discussion of the conducted research including validity and reliability issues - Present and defend the work according to accepted practice from the home University


Contents Occupational therapy, research and the research process, theories in scientific research, ethics, argumentation.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods Tutorials, lectures, seminars. Supervision is conducted by the Home University Some lectures and all seminars is mandatory and requires the presence of the students for an approved course. Compensation for any absence decides with the responsible teacher.


Examination 1) Individual written examination (thesis, individually or in pairs) at the Home University Examinations are marked with a pass or fail in collaboration with the Home University Limitation of the number of examinations At the Karolinska Institute, a student is entitled to a total of 6 examinations to get passed.

Transitional provisions

Examination will be provided during 2 years after closure of the course or new curriculum (see local guidelines)

Other directives

Course evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the guidelines set by the Board of Education. Course Report with analysis of results of course evaluation will be posted on the course web a month after the course evaluation.

Literature and other teaching aids

  • Bland, Martin, An introduction to medical statistics, 3. ed. : Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000 - xvi, 405 s. ISBN: 0-19-263269-8 (hft.), LIBRIS-ID: 4603394,
  • Bogdan, Robert; Biklen, Sari K., Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theories and methods, 5. ed. : Boston : Pearson A & B, cop., 2007 - 304 s. ISBN: 0-205-48293-7,