Course syllabus for Clinical rotation in Radiography
Radiografi - Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Previous knowledge equivalent to semester 1-4 radiography programme.
This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the physics principles and practice of conventional radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography and angiography. The course includes machine components and their operation, image production and other areas.
The course will also familiarize the student with the common pathologies found in the different imaging techniques.
This course provides the students with a competency based clinical education system that will allow the student the opportunity to practice skills necessary to obtain high quality conventional digital images based on patient pathology or physical condition, and to identify image quality problems and make appropriate corrections.
Learning outcome:
- Use conventional digital equipment to produce an image of human anatomy/pathology
- Use computed tomography CT equipment to produce an image of human anatomy/pathology
- Assist in Magnetic resonance tomography examination to produce an image of human anatomy/pathology
- Distinguish normal anatomy from abnormal anatomy on images.
- Describe common artefacts that occur during imaging.
- Work closely with patients to provide instruction and quality care while performing diagnostic procedures
- Assume responsibility for the safety, mental and physical comfort of patients
The clinical education in conventional radiography is planned together with teacher in charge. 32 hours of clinical rotations (Monday-Friday) each week will give each student the opportunity to experience a wide array of exams, be tutored by experienced professionals who provide insights, advice, and help you get the most out of your training.
The course will provide knowledge of patient preparation and monitoring. The examinations performed in conventional radiography have unique preparations to ensure that an optimal study is obtained. The radiographer must be aware of these preparations and modifications to these preparations to ensure an optimal study. The patients imaged in the radiography department present a wide variation in physical condition (i.e. trauma, acute care) and the radiographer must be educated to perform the examination while monitoring the patient’s condition. This information is useful to enable the student when they work with patients in the clinical setting to ensure the patient's comfort and safety while providing for a quality examination.
This course outlines the critical criteria relevant to the acquisition of high quality images of the musculoskeletal regions, the neck, thorax and mediastinum as well as the abdomen and pelvis. This course allows the student to study anatomy, imaging options, pathology and how these factors affect the image. Evaluation criteria for determining the quality of the images allow radiographers a better understanding of what constitutes a high quality image.
Teaching methods
Working methods consist of study task, field studies and clinical rotation.
The course is assessed through an oral presentation and clinical examination.
Clinical rotation is obligatory. Compensation for absence in clinical rotation is discussed and decided by responsible examiner.
Other directives
Grading scale:
The grading scale used for the course is according to ECTS regulation.
Course evaluation:
The course will be evaluated in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Ehrlich, Ruth Ann; McCloskey, Ellen Doble; Daly, Joan A., Patient care in radiography: with an introduction to medical imaging, 6. ed. : St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby, cop. 2004 - xv, 447 s. ISBN: 0-323-01937-4, LIBRIS-ID: 9649937, *
- Författningshandbok för personal inom hälso- och sjukvården.n 2007 = 38. uppl., Raadu, Gunnel, Stockholm : Liber, 2007 - 727 s. ISBN: 978-91-47-08420-3, LIBRIS-ID: 10324013, *
- Möller, Torsten B.0 77501, Pocket atlas of radiographic positioning, Reif, Emil, Stuttgart : Thieme, 1997 - ix, 286 s. ISBN: 3-13-107441-8 (Stuttgart), LIBRIS-ID: 4668759, *
- Möller, Torsten B.0 77501; Reif, Emil, Pocket atlas of radiographic anatomy, 2. ed. rev. and enlarged : New York ;a Stuttgart : Thieme, 2000 - 374 s. ISBN: 3-13-784202-6, LIBRIS-ID: 8279031, *
- Möller, Torsten B.; Reif, Emil, Pocket atlas of sectional anatomy: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.n Vol. 1,p Head and neck, 3. ed., rev. and updated /b Torsten B.Moeller, Emil Reif : Stuttgart : Thieme, 2007 - ix, 264 s. ISBN: 3-13-125503-X (GTV), LIBRIS-ID: 10257344, *
- The Esential Physics of Medical Imaging: Second Edition, Buchberg, J.T; Seibert, J.A; Leidholdt, E.M; Boone, J.M, 2:a : Philadelpia : Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2002 - 933 ISBN: 0-683-30118-7, *