Course syllabus for Speech and Language Disorders in Children and Youth 2
Tal- och språkstörningar hos barn och ungdomar 2
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Incoming student on exchange in the Study Programme in Speech Language Pathology. Additionally a good command of English, corresponding to 550 TOEFL scores. At least one year of study (bachelor level) in speech language pathology or equivalent at the foreign partner university.
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
- Describe causes of reading and writing difficulties including leading explanatory models, and based on this theoretical foundation justify what should be included in an assessment of reading and writing difficulties in monolingual and multilingual school-aged children and adolescents.
- Describe the co-occurrence of neurodevelopmental disorders in school-aged children and adolescents, how the interplay between the individual's capacity and the demands of the environment affects learning, communication and participation, and discuss consequences for assessment, diagnosis and intervention.
- Give examples of curriculum-based speech therapy assessment, treatment goals and intervention, and the speech language pathologist's role in the school setting, including collaboration with other professions.
- Justify the choice of preventive, intervening and compensatory interventions for reading and writing difficulties and describe how they can be evaluated.
The course covers occurrence and causes of language, reading and writing difficulties in school-aged children and adolescents. Furthermore, the connections between speech and language disorders and reading and writing difficulties, and between language, reading and writing difficulties, mathematics difficulties and neurodevelopmental disorders are discussed. The consequences for assessment, diagnosis and intervention and the connection between theory and practice will be highlighted,
The course also covers methods for assessing language and communication in older children and young people including reading and writing, and various types of preventive, intervening and compensatory interventions. Particular emphasis is placed on methods suitable for assessing functional language ability in school contexts (curriculum-based assessment) and how appropriate functional treatment goals and treatment activities for school-age children and adolescents can be formulated and evaluated. The course also addresses aspects of the reading and writing process from a multilingual perspective as well as reading and writing development and difficulties in people who use augmentative and alternative communication.
Finally, the speech pathologist's role in the school is discussed in relation to basic knowledge of pedagogical work and pedagogical approaches to students with disabilities as well as cooperation between different professions in the school setting.
Teaching methods
Lectures, group discussions and seminars. Some learning activities can take place online.
The examination consists of written assigments and discussion tasks, and a written exam.
A student who do not pass the regular examination is entitled to retake the examination on five more occasions. The third examination occasion is the next regular examination on the course. If the student has carried out six failed exams/tests, no additional examinations will be given. The number of times the student has participated in one and the same exam are counted as an examination trial. Submission of a blank exam counts as an examination trial. Examination to which the student registered but not participated in, will not be counted as an examination trial.
If there are special reasons, or a need for adaptation for a student with a disability, the examiner may make a decision to depart from the syllabus's regulations regarding the form of examination, number of examination opportunities, the possibility of supplementation or exemption from compulsory educational elements, etc. The content and learning objectives and the level of expected skills, knowledge and abilities may not be changed, removed or reduced.
Transitional provisions
Examinations can take place according to the previous literature list for a period of one year after the time when the bibliography was renewed. Examinations will be provided for a period of two years after any discontinuation of the course.
Other directives
The langauge of instruction is English. However, if circumstances permit, the course can be given in Swedish.
Course evaluation will be carried out according with Karolinska Institutet's local guidelines.
Literature and other teaching aids
Mandatory literature
- Paul, Rhea; Norbury, Courtenay; Gosse, Carolyn, Language disorders from infancy through adolescence: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and communicating, Fifth edition. : 2018 - xx, 812 pages ISBN: 9780323442343, LIBRIS-ID: 22421406, ≈80 pages *
- Beukelman, David R.; Light, Janice C., Augmentative & alternative communication: supporting children and adults with complex communication needs, Fifth edition. : Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., [2020] - PDF (xvi, 686 sidor) ISBN: 9781681253046, LIBRIS-ID: t6k6j7rtr9jmhq3w, ≈20 pages *
- Clegg, Judy; Spencer, Sarah; Rohde, Carla CE, Teen Talk. Language disorders during adolescence and young adulthood., Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield, 2022 Teen Talk, Parts of chapter 1, 2 and 3 *
Articles (additional readings for seminars may be added)
- Adlof, S. M.; Hogan, T. P., Understanding dyslexia in the context of developmental language disorders, 2018 Ingår i: Language speech and hearing services in schools., Rockville, Md. : American Speech and Hearing Association, 1970- ISSN: 0161-1461, LIBRIS-ID: 3510088, 49 (2018) : 4, p. 762-773, *
- The co-occurence of neurodevelopmental problems in dyslexia, Brimo, K.; Dinkler, L.; Gillberg, C.; Lichtenstein, P.; Lundström, S.; Åsberg Johnels, J., 2021 Ingår i: Dyslexia, 1996- ISSN: 1099-0909, LIBRIS-ID: 4107858, Online access for KIB, 27 (2021) : 3, p. 277-293, *
- Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders, Ebbels, S. H.; McCartney, E.; Slonims, V.; Dockrell, J. E.; Norbury, C. F., 2019 Ingår i: International journal of language & communication disorders, London : Taylor & Francis, 1998- ISSN: 1368-2822, LIBRIS-ID: 4318919, 54 (2019) : 1, p. 3-19, *
- Meaux, A. B.; Norris, J. A., Curriculum-based language interventions: What, who, why, where and how?, 2018 Ingår i: Language speech and hearing services in schools., Rockville, Md. : American Speech and Hearing Association, 1970- ISSN: 0161-1461, LIBRIS-ID: 3510088, 49 (2018) : 2, p. 165-175, *
Recommended literature
- Kamhi, Alan G.; Catts, Hugh W., Language and reading disabilities, 3rd ed., Pearson new international ed. : Harlow, England : Pearson, c2014. - 1 online resource (i, 321 p.) ISBN: 9781292035192-, LIBRIS-ID: 15124366,
- Ukrainetz, Teresa A., School-age language intervention: Evidence-based practices - Second Edition, Austin, Texas: PRO-ED, INc., 2024, 743 pages, 2024
Reference literature
- Elliott, Julian; Grigorenko, Elena L., The dyslexia debate, New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014 - 271 p. ISBN: 978-0-521-11986-3, LIBRIS-ID: 16373686,
- Nippold, Marilyn A., Later language development: school-age children, adolescents, and young adults, Fourth Edition : Austin, Texas : PRO-ED, 2016 - x, 325 pages ISBN: 9781416410133, LIBRIS-ID: 19756405,
- Mishra, Ankit; Khan, Azizuddin, Domain-general and domain-specific cognitive correlates of developmental dyscalculia: a systematic review of the last two decades literature, 2022, Ingår i: Child neuropsychology: a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence., Lisse, the Netherlands : Swets & Zeitlinger, c1995- LIBRIS-ID: 11242980, (2022) p. 1-51,