Course syllabus for Theme Examination - Physiotherapy 1
Tema undersökning - Fysioterapi 1
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Physical Education 1, Mathematics 2a or 2b or 2c, Natural Sciences 2, Social Sciences 1b or 1a1+1a2.
The aim of the course is that the student should acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in examination methodology and movement analysis from a physiotherapeutic perspective and to stimulate development in professional attitude.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
- identify the anatomy and describe the function of the musculoskeletal system with adequate terminology
- observe and analyse posture and gait in relation to human movement and function
- discuss basic scientific theory linked to research approaches within physiotherapy
- discuss the contents of scientific articles with relevance for physical therapy in relation to the IMRAD structure
- apply knowledge in applied anatomy and examine movement and function based on the physiotherapy process
- carry out physiotherapeutic assessments attending to own ergononomics
- reflect on own body awareness and self-knowledge from a physiotherapeutic perspective
- reflect on ways of working in different areas of relevant physiotherapy practice
- act professionally in learning environment and clinical context
This course in physical therapy includes 9 credits with main focus on examination and assessment of function and structure in nerve, joint and muscle. The course contains four sections; qualitative movement analysis and gait, examination of legs, trunk, examination of arms and neck, and practice of own body awareness. The course includes clinical education, with two days of clinical visits in primary care:
- palpation, analysis and examination; integration of anatomy (applied anatomy) and physical therapy based on the physiotherapy process
- observation and analysis of human movements with a focus on posture and gait
- elimentary scientific theory
- practice to read and give an account of the content, in relation to the IMRAD, in scientific articles relevant to physical therapy
- skills training with regard to palpation and examinations
- reflection on clinical findings mainly with regard to healthy individuals
- training in giving and receiving feedback in connection with examinations
- practice of own body awareness and self-knowledge
- field studies in primary care
- discusses around what a professional attitude implies in the learning environment and in the clinical context
Teaching methods
The teaching is based on a problem-oriented and collaborative approach to learning in which assignments provide opportunities for students to take active responsibility for their learning. The working methods that are used are practical methodology (both face to face on campus and video recorded tutorials for own practice), lectures (both face to face on campus and video recorded), seminars, peer assessment, feedback and group assignments and clinical education in the form of field studies. In addition to this the student is expected to acquire knowledge by utilising opportunities for support and self practice and through theoretical and practical group and self-studies. Compulsory elements that are not examined occur.
The course is examined according to the following:
Oral examination where integrated knowledge and skills are assessed in the course.
Compulsory elements are:
- attendance at field studies
- attendance and active participation at formal tests and seminars
- written reflective assignments
For eligibility to be examined, the student should have participated actively and approved in all formal tests of the course.
The responsible examinator decides if and if so how absence from compulsory educational elements can be compensated for. Until the student has participated in the compulsory elements (or compensated any absence with assigned tasks in accordance with instructions from the course director) the final study results can not be reported. Absence from a compulsory educational element could mean that the student can not do the part until the next time the course is offered.
Student who do not pass the regular examination are entitled to re-sit the examination at five more occasions. If the student has failed six examinations/tests, no additional examination is given. As examination, the number of times that the student has participated in the same test is counted. In case a student is registered for an examination but does not attend, this is not regarded as an examination. In case of failure of the regular examination, the student is given the opportunity to re-take one examination during the same semester. Thereafter, the student is given the possibility to take an examination at two occasions each semester in connection with the regular and retake opportunity, in the next coming semesters.
Transitional provisions
An examination will be made available for a period of one year in the event of the course being discontinued or a new course syllabus being devised.
Other directives
Course evaluation and course analysis are carried out according to the guidelines that are established by the Board of education.
The course will not be credited in a degree together with another course the student has completed and passed which completely or partly corresponds to the contents of this course.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Everett, Tony; Kell, Clare., Human movement: an introductory text., 6th ed. : Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2010. - xi, 268 p. ISBN: 978-0-7020-3134-2, LIBRIS-ID: 12031188,
- Lundvik Gyllensten, Amanda; Skoglund, Kent; Wulf, Inger, Basal Kroppskännedom - Den levda kroppen, Studentlitteratur AB, 2015 - 168 s. ISBN: 9789144086637, LIBRIS-ID: 17779436,
- Petty, Nicola J., Petty's musculoskeletal examination and assessment: a handbook for therapists, Ryder, Dionne; Barnard, Kieran, Sixth edition. : [Amsterdam] : Elsevier, 2024 - xii, 525 pages ISBN: 9780323874717, LIBRIS-ID: h0l3gqjzfxbd0c10,