Course syllabus for Degree Project in Optometry

Examensarbete i optometri

Essential data

Course code: 1OP049
Course name: Degree Project in Optometry
Credits: 15
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Optometry
Level: G2 - First cycle 2
Grading scale: Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Decision date: 2012-05-08
Revised by: Education committee CNS
Last revised: 2024-02-07
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2024

Specific entry requirements

Passed results of at least 55 higher education credits from the Optometry program semester 1 and 2 and at least 45 higher education credits from semester 3 and 4.


After the course, the student should be able to:

- formulate a relevant research question within chosen field
- analyse relevant literature
- design a study on criteria for selections, choices of methods and choices of statistics
- describe and evaluate ethical issues related to the research project,
- describe and evaluate the results in relation to used method, the generalizability of the results, the strengths of the study and weaknesses and be able to draw conclusions based on results and values of results,
- write a final report with logical structure and that have a clear and grammatically correct language,
- present a project orally and
- act student reviewer by giving relevant criticism (positive and negative) and through questions show
an understanding of the work he/she objects on.

The students should also, in respect to an optometric, health care and research perspective perspectives, be able to show:

- very high ability to search and evaluate knowledge on scientific level,
- large ability to follow the knowledge development
- very good knowledge of current research and development,
- very high ability to review critically, assess and use relevant information and to discuss new facts, phenomena and issues with different groups and thereby contribute to development of the profession and the activities,
- large ability to identify his needs of additional knowledge and that continuous develop his skills
- very good ability to search, collect, evaluate and interpret information in a problem critically and to discuss phenomena, issues and situations critically
- large ability to identify independently, formulate and solve problems and to carry out assignments within given periods
- large ability to orally and account in writing too and discuss information, problem and solutions in dialogue with different groups.

The aims above should be seen in relation to the document " Vetenskaplig strimma Optikerprogrammet".


The degree project is highly dependent on he student's own initiative and independent work. The student shall under supervision make a descriptionary or experimental study, including all parts of the the research process; literature search, project plan, problem formulation, collection and interpretation of data and presentation. The project can be carried out independently or in groups of two. Students collaborating on a thesis should on request be able to individually declare their own contribution to the thesis, as well as actively participate in the examination as follows.

The course/the work is like a research project that should result in a written report and contain

  • problem formulation
  • background description
  • design, selection and method
  • ethical considerations
  • discussion
  • general design and linguistic availability
  • oral presentation
  • critical reviewing.

In addition to this the course is part of the teaching of general scientific knowledge within the program. In relation to teaching of general scientific knowledge, the students continue to broaden their knowledge related to the scientific base of optometry, science and proven experience and scientific communication. They also develop their knowledge and understanding, skills and abilities, their judgement, scientific thought and attitude, in relation to optometry and a lifelong learning. The teaching of general scientific knowledge is described in a separate document.

Teaching methods

The course contains 10 weeks of full time studies, mostly independent work under supervision but also seminars.

It is the responsability of the student to find a supervisor that accepts this assignment. The supervisor should be employed by any of the departments that carry out teaching within the optometry program. He/she must hold a PhD, but one may have an assistant supervisor without a PhD degree. Reviewers and examiners will be appointed by the management of the Optometry programme.

The student should in consultation with the supervisor formulate a project plan. The plan should be reviewed and approved by the supervisor and the examinator, to ensure that the project is feasible. Only projects where the examiner is sure that enough reference literature is available for the project to be conducted will be approved. Only after approval of the project plan can the student start the work and collection of data.

The student is always responsible to keep contact with the supervisor. The student must provide the supervisor with the written report in due time before the final deadline. The supervisor must ensure that the written presentation holds satisfactory objective and formal quality. Thus, if deficiency in objective or formal quality is demonstrated, the written presentation shall be returned to the student for improvements. When the supervisor is satisfied with the work, it is passed on to the examiner that reviews the work in accordance with the aims of the course syllabus and criteria formulated by KI.

The student should object on another student's work and in writing hand in his/her thoughts about the work . Also the examiner will hand in his/her comments in writing. The student will then be given time to complete his/her work.

If the degree project is made outside Karolinska Institutet (in Sweden or abroad), the student should have a principal supervisor on KI that have a formal cooperation with the department outside KI. The student should also have a supervisor on the higher education institution/ workplace where the work is carried out, that has the role of assistant supervisor.


The written report is written alone or together with other student in the course. If the work is done in collaboration with another student, each student should on request be able to present his/ her contribution in the completed work.

The course is examined in the following way:
a) written presentation, is given the grade U (Fail), G (Pass) or VG (Pass with distinction)
b) respondentship (oral presentation, defence and discussion of the work), is given the grade U or G
c) opponent performance (for another project work), is given the grade U or G

Course grade
The grade G on the entire course, requires the grade G on all parts of the examination (a, b and c).
The grade VG on the entire course, requires G on examination part b and c, and VG on a, the written report.

At failed respondentship or opponent performance, supplementary written assignments may be required by the examiner.
At failed written report, the student receives some supervision in order for the thesis to obtain the grade G.
Submission dates for revised written report or supplementary assignments are the same as the accepted dates for re-examination during the following semester.

Limitation of the number of examinations
If the written report is delayed (longer than two semesters from course start) can the student not count on supervision from the original supervisor. This may limit the possibility for the student to complete the degree project according to original plan.

Possibility of exception from the course syllabus' regulations on examination
If there are special grounds, or a need for adaptation for a student with a disability, the examiner may decide to deviate from the syllabus's regulations on the examination form, the number of examination opportunities, the possibility of supplementation or exemptions from the compulsory section/s of the course etc. Content and learning outcomes as well as the level of expected knowledge, skills and attitudes may not be changed, removed or reduced.

Transitional provisions

The course has been cancelled and was offered for the last time in the fall semester of 2023. Examination in accordance with this syllabus will be provided until the spring of 2025, for students who have not completed the course. As from the fall semester of 2025, students will be examined in accordance with the current syllabus at that time.

Other directives

Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with guidelines established by Karolinska Institutet.

Teaching in English may occur.

Literature and other teaching aids

Literature of relevance to the chosen subject area