Course syllabus for General Anatomy and Physiology

Allmän anatomi och fysiologi

Essential data

Course code: 1OP067
Course name: General Anatomy and Physiology
Credits: 9
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Not applicable
Level: GX - First cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Decision date: 2019-04-10
Revised by: Education committee CNS
Last revised: 2022-02-23
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2022

Specific entry requirements

Matematik 2a, 2b eller 2c, Naturkunskap 2.


After the course, the student should be able to

  1. describe the main features in the structure of the cells, the tissues and the central nervous system in man
  2. describe the relationship between structure and function with respect to the cells, the tissues and the central nervous system
  3. describe and identify the most important anatomical structures in the head and their relationships
  4. describe the connection between the structure of the head, and common diseases in ear, nose and throat
  5. describe the basic functions of the cell and its electric properties
  6. describe the function of the muscles and the function of the nervous system with regard to motor function, sensory functions, and autonomous and higher brain functions, respectively
  7. describe the physiology of circulatory and respiratory organs
  8. describe how the kidneys control acid/base balance and fluid balance
  9. describe how the endocrine system of the body functions
  10. describe the function of the gastrointestinal canal.


The course comprises
a) the structure of the cell at the microscopical level
b) the body tissues with an emphasis on the nerve tissues
c) the macroscopic structure of the central nervous system and the structure and function of the systems that are responsibility for different sensory functions apart from vision
d) the anatomy of the head (the skull, the surface anatomy of the head, the vessels of the head and innervation and nose -/the mouth and throat)
e) the basic function and electric properties of the cell. This knowledge constitutes the basis for understanding the function of the nervous system in the following sections: muscle physiology and motor function, sensory and higher brain functions.
f) the autonomous nervous system and the endocrine systems of the body
g) the areas of heart and circulation, respiration, kidney physiology including acid-base and fluid balance, and digestion.

The course is divided into the following two modules:

General Anatomy, 4.5 credits

Grading scale: VU
The module includes theoretical understanding of the course content a to d.

General Physiology, 4.5 credits

Grading scale: VU
The module includes theoretical understanding of the course content e to g.

Teaching methods

The teaching is based on an approach to learning in which the tasks provide opportunities for the students to take active responsibility for their learning. The used teaching methods are lectures and group assignments/ laboratory sessions/ demonstrations.


Module 1, General Anatomy examines the aims 1-4 in the following way:

  1. Written examination (Fail/Pass/Pass with distinction)
    Re-examination may take place orally.

The module is given the grade Fail, Pass or Pass with distinction. The grade of the module follows from the grade of the written examination.

Module 2, General Physiology examines the aims 5-10 in the following way:

  1. Written examination (Fail/Pass/Pass with distinction)
    Re-examination may take place orally.

The module is given the grade Fail, Pass or Pass with distinction. The grade of the module follows from the grade of the written examination.

Course grade
The entire course is given the grade Fail, Pass or Pass with distinction.
The grade Pass on the entire course requires Pass on both modules. Pass with distinction requires Pass with distinction on both module 1 and 2.

Possibility of exception from the course syllabus' regulations on examination
If there are special grounds, or a need for adaptation for a student with a disability, the examiner may decide to deviate from the syllabus's regulations on the examination form, the number of examination opportunities, the possibility of supplementation or exemptions from the compulsory section/s of the course etc. Content and learning outcomes as well as the level of expected knowledge, skills and attitudes may not be changed, removed or reduced.

Transitional provisions

If the course is cancelled or goes through substantial changes, information about interim regulations will be stated here.

Other directives

Course evaluation takes place in accordance with KI's local guidelines. Compilation of the students' answers in course questionnaires and the course coordinator's analysis of these are published on KI's public course web.

Some teaching may be in English.

Literature and other teaching aids

Mandatory literature

  • Aldskogius, Håkan; Rydqvist, Bo, Den friska människan: anatomi och fysiologi, Första upplagan : Stockholm : Liber, [2018] - 476 sidor ISBN: 9789147105694, LIBRIS-ID: 21774685,

Recommended literature

  • Fysiologi, Lännergren, Jan; Westerblad, Håkan; Ulfendahl, Mats; Lundeberg, Thomas, Sjätte upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2017] - 397 sidor ISBN: 9789144114859, LIBRIS-ID: 19922136,
  • Halsens och huvudets deskriptiva och topografiska anatomi, Albiin, Nils, Lund : Studentlitt., 1982 - 164, [9] s. ISBN: 91-44-17811-5, LIBRIS-ID: 7276881,