Course syllabus for Pharmacology
Essential data
Knowledge and understanding:
The student will after the course be able to account for:
-The desteny of a drug in the organism (absorption, distribution, metabolism and secretion) and to be familiar with basic pharmacokinetic concepts.
- The effects of drugs molecular/cellular level as well as organic and integrative level
- Principles for the effects of drugs at the molecular/cellular level, as well as at the organ level and the integrative level.
- The most important therapeutic effects and side effects and the main modes of action for agents in different pharmaceutical groups.
- Mechanisms behind the development of tolerance and dependence.
- Drugs and other substances that are particularly often abused.
- Mechanisms for drug interactions.
- Mechanisms (genetic, age related, disease related etc) for individual variations in drugs' effects and pharmacokinetics.
Both orally and by writing be able to describe the fundamental pharmacological principles and how drugs affect the body.
The course is divided in three parts.
General principles in pharmacology, 3.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
General pharmacology with receptor pharmacology and neurotransmission and neuropsychopharmacology. Principles for drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, secretion and pharmacokinetic fundamental concepts. The receptor concept, dose response, receptor-effector coupling. Basic pharmacological points of attack on neurotransmission, anesthetics, muscle relaxants, neuropsychotropic drugs, agents in neurodegenerative diseases and anti-convulsants etc. The teaching is given in the form of blocks within various fields of therapy with lectures, group exercises with problem-solving and laboratory sessions.
Drugs affecting major organs - their mode of actions, 3.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
The most important therapeutic effects and side effects and the main modes of action for agents in different pharmaceutical groups. Cardiovascular pharmacology (means at congestive heart failure, means at ischemic heart-disease, antihypertensive means etc), means at koagulationsstörning, the pharmacology of the respiratory organs, the pharmacology of the gastrointestinal canal, analgesics, anti-inflammatory means, diuretics, endocrine pharmacology and antibiotics, transplantation - and immunopharmacology and cytostatic agent.
Integration, 9.0 credits
Grading scale: VU
Integration of theoretical and practical knowledge that has been provided during all parts of the course.
Teaching methods
The introduction and all exams and laboratory work take place on Campus Solna. To support learning during the course, the following teacher-led / teacher-supported resources are provided: lectures, human labs, and group exercises with problem-solving. The teacher-led resources will be distance learning, with the exception of the human laboratories that take place on Campus Solna. Distance learning activities include pre-recorded lectures, digital lectures, discussion forums with individual posts via the learning platform, practice quizzes, and peer-to-peer learning. A scientific approach (for example analytical and critical thinking about research data) is trained during human laboratories where reflection and discussion of results are presented as a laboratory report.
The course also includes a number of occasions where "effective feedback" is trained (eg self-assessment and peer assessment) which develops the ability to handle information and use it to improve work and learning strategies.
Non-teacher-led studies will be used for preparatory literature studies,reflection, and reading, both individually and in groups.
Part 1: Oral test 1 (Fail/Pass).
Part 2: Oral test 2 (Fail/Pass).
Part 3: Written examination. (Fail/Pass/Pass with distinction). For admission to part 3 is required that part 1 and 2 are passed, including the compulsory laboratory sessions and the group work. The results of part 3 determine the grade for the entire course.
One opportunity for a make-up examination is provided after the course. The year after the cours 2 make-up examination is provided. A student who have not pass the ordinary written examination have the oppertunity to participate at five other occasions of written examinations.
Transitional provisions
The examination will be provided during a period of two years after a close-down of the course. Examination may take place under a previous reading list during a period of one year after the date of the renewal of the reading list.
Other directives
Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Committee for Higher Education.
Language of instruction: Swedish. Teaching and presentations can occur in English.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Läkemedelsboken [Elektronisk resurs]., Uppsala : Läkemedelsverket, [2013] - 1275 s. LIBRIS-ID: 14878607, Fritt tillgänglig via Läkemedelsverket,
- Fredholm, Bertil B., Basal farmakologi, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014 - 301 s. ISBN: 9789144050362, LIBRIS-ID: 15122334,