Course syllabus for Global Health - an introduction
Global hälsa - en introduktion
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
90 credits. English language skills equivalent to English B/English 6 at Swedish upper secondary school are also required. Proficiency in the English language should be documented by an internationally recognized test such as TOEFL: internet based (iBT) with a total score of at least 90 and minimum score of 20 on written test; paper based (PBT) with a total score of at least 575, and minimum score 4.5 on written test; or IELTS (academic) with an overall mark of at least 6.5 and no band less than 5.5; or other documentation that according to regulations certifies the equivalence of English B at Swedish upper secondary school.
After the course, the students should be able to:
- define the term global health
- explain the global health situation and the variations in health status between and within countries
- outline key issues in global health such as inequity, gender, ethics, human rights
- utilise internet digital resources such as Gapminder, child or other similar resources
The course begins with a number of introductory sessions online and self-study, followed by a few weeks of onsite session at Karolinska Institute. Topics covered will be:
- Global health variations;
- Health indicators;
- Health determinants;
- Maternal and Child Health;
- Sexual reproductive health and rights;
- Major infectious disease, malaria, TB, HIV;
- Non communicable disease;
- Mental health; Injuries;
- Health systems and financing;
- Internet digital tools;
- Scientific writing.
Teaching methods
Lectures, computer session, group discussion, self study, online sessions.
The individual examination presenting orally an online digital report on overview of health of a nation.
A student who does not pass the examination on the first occasion is offered a maximum of five additional opportunities to sit the examination on Skype.
Transitional provisions
The examination can be done up to two years after the last course.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Global Health: An Introductory textbook, Lindstrand, Ann; Bergström, Staffan; Rosling, Hans; Rubenson, Birgitta; Stenson, Bo, Studentlitteratur AB, 2006 - 326 ISBN: 9144021984, *