Course syllabus for Research Introductory Course for Biomedical Students 1
Forskningsintroducerande kurs för studenter på biomedicinprogrammet 1
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
At least grade pass (G) at the courses Introduction to biomedical science; General and organic chemistry; Cell-, stem cell and developmental biology and _Biochemistry _ at the Bachelor's programme in Biomedicine. In addition, proficiency in English equivalent to English 6/English B is required.
Upon completion of the course, the student shall:
Regarding knowledge and understanding
- demonstrate an understanding of basic research methodology,
Regarding skills and ability
- under supervision apply said knowledge in practice through research in a field of choice at Karolinska Institutet,
Regarding judgement and approach
- show a professional attitude to collegial cooperation, time planning and connection between theoretical and practical knowledge,
- in a reassuring way and with good order handle valuable scientific material,
- be able to carry out a project work in a research-ethical correct way.
The course starts with an introduction in the possibilities and conditions of research, and research documentation. After this introduction, the students participate during seven weeks of the summer (during a period agreed upon between the student and the supervisor) in a supervised research project at one of KI's departments. In total, approximately one of the weeks should be devoted to report writing and preparation for oral presentation.
Teaching methods
During the introduction, teaching will be in the form of lectures. Remaining part of the course is taught through a supervised practical project work.
Written report and oral presentation of the course project. (U/G)
Compulsory participation
The introduction, supervised research project appr. seven weeks at a department within KI, and the project presentation. The course director determines if it is possible and if so how the student can compensate possible absence from compulsory parts. Before the student has participated in compulsory parts, or compensated for absence in accordance with the instructions of the course coordinator, the current part is not registered in LADOK (student registry).
Limited number of examinations or practical training sessions
Students who have not passed the course after their first presentation (written or oral) are entitled to rework their report and/or presentation and participate in five more presentations. If the student has not passed the course after four presentations, he/she is recommended to retake the course the next time it is held, with a new project. In connection with that course the student will be granted two more opportunities to present. If the student has failed six presentations, no additional presentation opportunity or possibility to retake the course will be offered.
Transitional provisions
After each course, there will be at least six occasions for examination within a two-year period after the end of the course.
Other directives
The course is offered to students in semester two in KI's Bachelor programme in biomedicine. Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education. The course is given in English.
Literature and other teaching aids
Course literature
Scientific literature of relevance for the project, chosen by the supervisor and the student.