Course syllabus for Introduction to nursing and ethics
Introduktion till omvårdnad och etik
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Standardised admission requirements F.1.1.
The aim of the course is for the student to have acquired basic knowledge in ethics, and have developed an understanding of professional and ethical nursing, for individually adapted nursing, and for further education in nursing. The course is divided in two parts: Part 1: Ethics, View of the Person and Development of the Nursing Profession Ethics, View of the Person and Development of the Nursing Profession Knowledge and understanding On completion of this part, the student should - be familiar with the theories and concepts of ethics, and understand their relation to nursing Skills and ability On completion of this part, the student should - be able to identify the ethical aspect in a situation or action Assessment ability and attitudes On completion of this part, the student should show - ability to reflect on the foundations of nursing from an ethical, professional and theoretical perspective, including gender and transcultural aspects. Part 2: Developments in the nursing field, as well as an understanding of the relationship between humans, the environment, health and nursing. Developments in the nursing field, as well as an understanding of the relationship between humans, the environment, health and nursing. Knowledge and understanding The student should acquire an overview of the conditions of national and international nursing and of the development of nursing, and understand the relationship between man, environment, health and nursing. Skills and ability On completion of this part, the student should - be able to account for the development of the nursing profession from mission to profession - be familiar with the basic theories and concepts of the nursing Assessment ability and attitudes On completion of this part, the student should - ability to reflect on the foundations of nursing from a professional and theoretical perspective. Knowledge and understanding On completion of this part, the students should be able to: - be able to account for the development of the subject of nursing - comprehensively, account for the meaning of the central concepts in nursing - describe a concrete way what the connections are between the central concepts of the nursing
Part 1: Ethics, View of the Person and Development of the Nursing Profession Ethics, View of the Person and Development of the Nursing Profession The ethics section starts with a general introduction to the subject of ethics as an academic discipline, its theory formation and basic concepts. After that, focus is on ethics in basic nursing with its specific problems and orientation. Basic ethical aspects such as the view on the patient and the relation attendant - patient with an emphasis on concepts such as view of the human, human dignity and integrity, are highlighted. The view of the human of the care and the carer, and their implications for the concrete care are processed. The ability to identify the ethical aspect in a situation or action are paid attention to and trained. Part 2: Developments in the nursing field, as well as an understanding of the relationship between humans, the environment, health and nursing. Developments in the nursing field, as well as an understanding of the relationship between humans, the environment, health and nursing. The development of the nursing subject to a scientific discipline is illustrated from a national as well as an international perspective. Especially, central concepts in nursing and the connections between these will be illustrated and worked upon. The relationship between the human and the environment is clarified and discussed including, i.a. consequences for health definition and health processes, that are also highlighted from a gender and transcultural perspective. The health concept is brought to life through fiction and stories.
Teaching methods
Lectures, self-study, work in groups, and seminars.
Part 1: Individual written examination Part 2: Individual written examination Seminars are compulsory parts of the parts and require attendance with active participation for a pass mark on course. Compensation for any absence is made in consultation with the course coordinator. The grading system is Failed/Passed/Passed with distinction. For the grade Pass with distinction in the whole course, the grade Pass with distinction is required in all examinations. Student without approved results after three completed examinations may be offered to take the course (part) once more. However, there are at most six examination opportunities for each course. Examination times are announced at the beginning of the course.
Other directives
Course evaluation takes place in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education.