Course syllabus for Anatomy and physiology 2 - Transport and reproduction
Anatomi och fysiologi 2 - Transport och reproduktion
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Mathematics 2a / 2b / 2c, Natural Sciences 2, Social Sciences 1b / 1a1+1a2 (field specific entry requirements A14). Or: Mathematics B, Natural Sciences B, Social Sciences A (field specific entry requirements 16).
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- identify and describe the respiratory and structure and function of the circulatory system
- identify and describe the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract
- identify and describe the structure and function of the secretory organs
- account for the basic structure and function of the reproductive organs
- account for endocrine system’s structure that is linked to respiratory and circulatory system and digestive, urinary and reproductive system functions
- practically perform heart rate and blood pressure measurement
- describe the position of bodies in relation to one another and the body as a whole
The student is trained to understand and apply basic anatomic concepts and terminology. The course also treats adequate medical terminology used in anatomic position and motion descriptions.
In thise course, the anatomy and physiology of the different organs are studied based on scientific grounds.
In the theme of the respiratory and circulatory system, the structure and tasks of the airways, the lungs, the heart and the blood vessels, and the composition and properties of the blood, are studied.
One theme treats the gastrointestinal system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the organs participating in the digestion process such as the salivary glands, pancreas, the liver and the gall bladder.
Within the theme secretion, the structure and function of the kidneys and the urinary tract in the removal of waste substances from the blood and the regulation of body fluids, are studied.
Under the theme the reproductive organs, an overview of the male and female genital organs is made and their function is linked to reproduction.
The endocrine system deals with glands and hormones that are linked to the respiratory and circulatory system and digestive, urinary and reproductive system
The course also includes training in heart rate and blood pressure measurement.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, skills training and workshops.
To pass the course, approved completion in compulsory parts and a passed written examination.
Are there assignments, they must be examiner provided in due time.
If the course is examined by a extern exam, or other assignments with deadlines, a latest submission date is given at the introduction of the course. In cases where a completion is required a new date for latest submission is set. If the requirements for submission are not fulfilled the student is given the opportunity to submit the exam or the assignment at the next time course is given. Reasons for not meeting deadlines may be taken under consideration by examiner.
In consultation with the examiner of the course, the student may get a complementary assignment in case of absence from a compulsory part.
In connections to the course three occasions will be given. One within the course, two occasions at the following re-examinations. Three more opportunities will be provided as described above when the course is run next time.
Transitional provisions
The student may be examined under a previous syllabus within a year after the date when a close-down or major changes of the course was decided.
Other directives
Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education at Karolinska Institutet.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Feneis, Heinz; Dauber, Wolfgang, Anatomisk bildordbok, Spitzer, Gerhard; Brinkman, Ingrid, 5., utökade uppl. /b [fackgranskning: Håkan Aldskogius] : Stockholm : Liber, 2006 - [4], 520 s. ISBN: 91-47-05301-1, LIBRIS-ID: 10162715,, *
- Sand, olav; et al, Människokroppen: Fysiologi och anatomi, Stockholm : Liber, 2007 - 544s ISBN: 9789147084357, *
- Vårdhandboken, Inera AB,,
- Atlas över människokroppen, Vigué, Jordi; Martín Orte, Emilio; Ferrón, Miquel; Ferrón, Myriam, Dunder, Kristina, 2. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber, 2012 - 164 s. ISBN: 9789147105878 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 12744910,
- Anatomi och fysiologi, Nicolaysen, Gunnar; Holck, Per, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014 - 336 s. ISBN: 9789144097398, LIBRIS-ID: 16016423,
- Fysiologi, Lännergren, Jan; Westerblad, Håkan; Ulfendahl, Mats; Lundeberg, Thomas, Sjätte upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2017] - 397 sidor ISBN: 9789144114859, LIBRIS-ID: 19922136,