Course syllabus for Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomi och fysiologi
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Admitted to the nursing programme. Specific entry requirements: Ma B, Sh A, Nk B (or Fy A, Ke A and Bi A).
The aim of the course is that the student should acquire knowledge of the human anatomy and physiology to be able to plan and implement nursing based on scientific based knowledge of the structure and function of the human body.
Intended learning outcomes module 1 and 2
Knowledge and understanding
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- Describe the structure of the human body on cell-, organs-, organ system- and organism level
- Account for the function of the human body on organs-, organ system- and organism level
- Explain the relationships between structure and function of the human body
- Explain how the different organ systems interact to maintain homeostasis
- Relate physiological examination methods to the function of the circulatory- and the respiratory organs
Skill and ability
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- account for spirometry measurements
- use correct anatomic terminology
Judgement ability and approach
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- identify and discuss carrying on equal terms connected to pulse- and blood pressure measurement and ECG registration
- identify and discuss quality and patient security concerning pulse- and blood pressure measurement and ECG registration
- reflect on recomendations on nutrition and physical activity and their connection to the concept health.
Intended learning outcomes module 3
Skill and ability
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- carry out manual pulse- and blood pressure measurement according to evidence-based guidelines and principles for patient safety
- connect and carry out ECG registration
- register oxygen saturation in the blood with pulse oximeter
Anatomy och physiology 1, 6.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Anatomy och physiology 2, 6.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Practice-integrated learning - Clinical skills, 1.5 credits
Grading scale: GU
Other directives
Course evaluation takes place in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Människokroppen: fysiologi och anatomi, Sand, Olav; Sjaastad, Øystein V.; Haug, Egil; Bjålie, Jan G.; Toverud, Kari C., Bolinder-Palmér, Inger; Olsson, Kristina, Tredje upplagan : Stockholm : Liber, [2021] - 668 sidor ISBN: 9789147142873, LIBRIS-ID: 1f7cddfpz3598w7k, Older versions are also available
- Vårdhandboken, Inera AB,,
- Atlas över människokroppen, Vigué, Jordi; Martín Orte, Emilio; Ferrón, Miquel; Ferrón, Myriam, Dunder, Kristina, 2. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber, 2012 - 164 s. ISBN: 9789147105878 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 12744910,
- Lindskog, Bengt I.; Frank, Urban, Medicinsk miniordbok, 6. uppl. : Stockholm : Norstedts akademiska förlag, 2005 - 508 s. ISBN: 91-7227-440-9, LIBRIS-ID: 9863879,