Course syllabus for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Mindfulnessbaserad stresshantering
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
General entry requirements.
On completion of the course, the students should: themselves be able to carry out mindfulness meditation exercises in body stillness or in motion, and in different body positions such as lying, sitting and standing. understand and have experienced how body sensations, thoughts and feelings are connected in formal as well as informal mindfulness exercises. have developed the ability to apply an accepting, non-evaluative and mindful approach to events in their every-day life. have developed a documented ability to reflect around the relationship between the reading list and the own experiences in the group and in the home assignments.
Initially, an orientation seminar about the contents and background of the course is held. The emphasis in the course is on the practical mindfulness exercises during eight MBSR group sessions. You are expected to participate in practice (according to own ability) in all formal exercises and to reflect in groups on your own experiences of the exercises. The MBSR-program includes a quiet day (7-8 hours) located to Saturday or Sunday after seminar session six. During this day, teacher-supervised mindfulness exercises are held. You are also expected to carry out daily mindfulness exercises at home during 45 minutes 6-7 days/week and keep a reflection diary around the exercises. The home assignments are followed up in the following group session.
The five theoretical sections of the course are the following:
- Stress theory
- Mindfulness-based stress management
- Integration of mindfulness with established therapies
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
- Mindfulness - health care ideology, therapy alliance and empathy
Teaching methods
The main strategy for teaching and learning in the course is experience-based and is implemented in the form of practical meditation seminars and group seminars. In addition, lectures and individual work.
1. It is assumed that the student participates in the practical exercises (according to own ability) during the MBSR group sessions and in following reflective talks. A Pass grade requires participation in at least 6/8 group sessions. Students that are absent more than two times must refrain from further participation in the course. Therefore, there is no possibility to supplement these group sessions.
2. The student keeps a reflective diary on both the MBSR group sessions and the home assignments. The contents of the diary should focus on personal experiences. These reflections are then submitted in a condensed and edited version of between 1000-1500 words. The students' experiences are shared orally in a group seminar. The assignment runs during the entire course and is intimately related to the MBSR-groups. The assignment is introduced in the orientation seminar. The reflections should be sent to the the course coordinator (by e-mail) no later than two weeks before the oral group seminar, or at the very latest at the group seminar, for participation in this session.
3. The students are also expected to submit a written assignment where they reflect on issues that attracted their special interest in the reading list, and refer to it. E.g. how to integrate one's own experience with the theoretical background in the literature, how and in what way mindfulness supports change. The assignment submitted individually should comprise in between 2000 and 2500 words, and be submitted to the course coordinator (by e-mail) no later than in the final course week in the elective block.
The possibility to supplement points 2 and 3 may be discussed with the course coordinator.
The examination thus takes place orally, in writing, individually and in groups.