Course syllabus for Health and Living Conditions of Children and Adolescents
Barn och ungdomars hälsa och livsvillkor
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Of The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare awarded professional status qualification as nurse.
A student that has failed the clinical training/equivalent as a consequence of that the student has shown so serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that the patient security or the patients' trust for the healthcare have been jeopardized, is qualified to a new clinical training placement only when the individual action plan has been completed.
The general aims of the course are that the student should achieve skills about children’s and adolescents’ health and ill health from a family-oriented perspective in order to independently be able to carry out health care and nursing for children and adolescents. The aim is also to provide advanced knowledge of the academic basis of the field as well as current research and development work. The course contains two parts.
Part 1 – Health and living condition for children and adolescents, 7.5 credits
On completion of this part, the student should have acquired:
Knowledge and understanding
- To be able to show advanced knowledge about children and the health and ill health from a family-oriented perspective of adolescents and from a national perspective.
- To be able to describe health-political aims with a focus on children, adolescents and their families.
- To be able to explain relationships between living condition, environment, risk/health factors and health/ill health, national and international.
- To be able to explain epidemiological and health educational concepts and models.
- To be able to describe and explain the development and theories of children and youths and models about parenthood, parental support and interplay between children and parents.
Skills and abilities
- To be able to analyse relationships between life style factors and health and evaluate health educational theories and methods relevant to health promotion and preventive work with a focus on children and youths and their families.
- To be able to assess and reflect on nursing related to breast feeding, diet, eating habits and nutritional contents for children, youths and their families from development and health aspects.
- To be able to explain and assess injuries and diseases commonly occurring within the child health and the pupil health medical actions from a nursing perspective.
- To be able to identify and analyse the needs of children, youths and families of specific support and inform about different actions and supports from the responsibility and resources of the society.
Judgment and approach
- To be able to argue for the rights of children according to the children's convention and reflect on an ethical attitude based on a person-oriented attitude.
Part 2 - Clinical training in child - and school health services, 7.5 credits
On completion of this part, the student should have acquired:
Knowledge and understanding
- To be able to demonstrate an understanding of children health and the organisation, leadership and cooperation of the pupil health with close areas of activity and other professions and have knowledge of current legislation and control documents.
- To be able to critically evaluate national and international nursing research, quality development and application of evidence-based methods within child health and the medical actions of the pupil health and identify needs of additional knowledge.
Skills and abilities
- Independently be able to plan, carry out, evaluate and document medical examinations/health dialogue and health educational actions in individual-, group- and community level.
- To independently and in collaboration with the family be able to analyse and assess nursing need, plan, carry out and evaluate and document nursing actions within child health and the organization of the pupil health.
- Independently be able to assess, prescribe and administrate drug for vaccinations according to the national vaccination programme within child health and the medical actions of the pupil health and independent carry out vaccination on a for the child educational and safe way.
Judgment and approach
- To be able to make assessments and priorities in complex situations considering scientific, social, cultural and ethical aspects within child health and the medical actions of the pupil health
The course consists of two parts:
Clinical training in child - and school health services, 7.5 credits
Grading scale: GU
- Legislation, ordinances, control documents and organization within child health and the medical actions of the pupil health.
- Leadership and cooperation with other professions.
- Medical examinations and health dialogue, developmental assessment and health pedagogics.
- Parenthood, parental supports - individually and in groups.
- Family-oriented nursing.
- The nursing process.
- Vaccination activity.
- Medical technology and safety.
- Ethical aspects.
- Multifaceted perspective in complex situations.
- Quality development and evidence-based methods.
Health and living condition for children and adolescents, 7.5 credits
Grading scale: GU
- Health-political aims, the children's convention.
- Epidemiological concepts and methods.
- Relationship between health, life style factors and living condition and health theories related to child and youths.
- Diseases at children and adolescents such as mental disease, eating disorders, allergy, injuries, accidents, psychosomatic symptoms, neuropsychiatric disabilities and physical disabilities and commonly occurring somatic diseases with a focus on nursing.
- Health care and health educational models e g explaining talks and health dialogue within child health and the medical actions of the pupil health.
- Caring sciences e g the transition theory.
- Parenthood, parental supports.
- Children and the development of youths, development theories.
- Breast feeding, diet and nutritional contents.
- The needs of children, youths and families of specific support.
Teaching methods
The course is carried out both as campus education (full-time) and as distance education (which is half-speed) and is web-based. The teaching start from a problem-oriented and collaborative view on learning the working methods where give precondition because the student takes responsibility actively for their learning.
The working methods that are used are individual study assignments, work in groups, virtual discussions and seminars and lectures. The number physical meetings for the distance course are limited to at most 2 days/7.5 credits.
Clinical placement is included in the course and during this period, supervision and reflection are included individually and/or in groups.
Part 1 - Health and living conditions for children and youths
- Individual and written examination and/or web-based home examination. The examination is based on a complex fictitious case within the activities for child health and the medical actions of the pupil health.
Compulsory parts that occur in the course are seminars and/or virtual discussions. In case of absence from compulsory parts, turn to course coordinator for discussion about compensation. Study assignments should be carried out to may participate in examinations.
Student who do not pass the regular examination are entitled to re-sit the examination at five more occasions. Student that lacks passed results after three implemented examinations can be offered to go about parts or course once more. This applies in case of a vacancy.
If the student has not passed the examinations after six attempts, no further examination occasions are offered.
Submission of blank exam is counted as examination. Examination to which the student registered but not participated in be counted not as examination. Home examination that has been opened via learning management system is counted as utilised examination even if the examination has not been handed in.
Too late submitted examination assignments are not observed. Students who not have delivered in time be referred to the re-examination.
Part 2 - Placement within child health and the medical actions of the pupil health
- Clinical examination within child health and the medical actions of the pupil health. The examination is based on independent implemented health care and nursing, that is presented in writing and being analysed with support of current scientific literature.
The placement that is included in the course is compulsory (32 h/1.5 credits), approximately 3 credits child health and approximately 3 credits the medical actions of the pupil health. Under the placement, continuous discussion of the students' achievements takes place.
Failed clinical training may be reviewed once more.
Examiner can with immediate impact interrupt a student's clinical training or the equivalent if the student shows such serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that the patient security or the patients' trust for the healthcare are jeopardized. When placement is interrupted such as this, it implies that the student fails on current part and that one clinical training occasion is consumed. In such cases, an individual action plan should be established, where it appears which activities and examinations that are required before the student is given possibility to a new clinical training placement on this course. Failed placement in clinical training may only be carried out once more.
Transitional provisions
If a student has not accomplished a course, the student has possibility to be examined according to then current course syllabus and course literature list up to two years after change or change of course syllabus and course literature list.
Other directives
Course evaluation takes place in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education.
Literature and other teaching aids
Recommended literature
- Albinsson, Eva, Pediatrik, Moëll, Christian; Gustafsson, Jan, 1. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber, 2011 - 598 s. ISBN: 978-91-47-09375-5 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 12300521,
- Andersson, Ingemar, Epidemiologi för hälsovetare: en introduktion, Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2006 - 234 s. ISBN: 91-44-03250-1, LIBRIS-ID: 9984485,,
- Investera i barns hälsa, Bremberg, Sven; Eriksson, Lilly, 1. uppl. : Stockholm : Gothia, 2010 - 224 s. ISBN: 978-91-7205-653-4, LIBRIS-ID: 11914746,
- Dahlberg, Karin; Segesten, Kerstin, Hälsa och vårdande: i teori och praxis, Stockholm : Natur & Kultur, 2010 - 344 s. ISBN: 91-27-12211-5 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 11766742,
- Barnmedicin, Hanséus, Katarina; Lagercrantz, Hugo; Lindberg, Tor, 4., [rev. och uppdaterade] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2012 - 674 s. ISBN: 978-91-44-07609-6 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 12531935,
- Hillman, Olle, Skolhälsovård: introduktion och praktisk vägledning, 2., uppdaterade och utök. uppl. : Stockholm : Gothia, 2010 - 269 s. ISBN: 978-91-7205-728-9, LIBRIS-ID: 11907616,
- Karlsson, Kay, Anknytning: om att tolka samspelet mellan föräldrar och små barn, Scheutz, Sofia, 1. uppl. : Stockholm : Gothia, 2008 - 128 s. ISBN: 978-91-7205-582-7, LIBRIS-ID: 10927441,
- Kylberg, Elisabeth; Westlund, Anna Maria; Zwedberg, Sofia, Amning i dag, 1. uppl. : Stockholm : Gothia, 2009 - 180 s. ISBN: 978-91-7205-627-5, LIBRIS-ID: 11616786,
- Evidensbaserad elevhälsa, Milerad, Josef; Lindgren, Carl, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014 - 447 s. ISBN: 9789144089690, LIBRIS-ID: 15978042,
- Lundgren, Mikael; Lökholm, Kent, Motivationshöjande samtal i skolan: att motivera och arbeta med elevers förändring, Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2006 - 149 s. ISBN: 91-44-03880-1, LIBRIS-ID: 10113771,
- Hwang, Philip; Nilsson, Björn, Utvecklingspsykologi, 3., rev. utg. : Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 2011 - 376 s. ISBN: 978-91-27-13074-6 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 12148989,
- Skolsköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete, Clausson, Eva K.; Morberg, Siv, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2012 - 230 s. ISBN: 978-91-44-05597-8, LIBRIS-ID: 13599284,
- Blair, Mitch, Barnhälsovetenskap, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2013 - 371 s. ISBN: 9789144081359, LIBRIS-ID: 14663506,
- Hälsofrämjande arbete för barn och ungdomar, Bramhagen, Ann-Cathrine; Carlsson, Anna, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2013 - 261 s. ISBN: 9789144077628, LIBRIS-ID: 14793676,
- Knorring, Anne-Liis von, Psykisk ohälsa hos barn och ungdomar, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2012 - 208 s. ISBN: 978-91-44-05669-2, LIBRIS-ID: 13527565,
- Pediatrisk omvårdnad, Hallström, Inger; Lindberg, Tor, 2. [utök. och uppdaterade] uppl. : Stockholm : Liber, 2015 - 384 s. ISBN: 9789147115099, LIBRIS-ID: 17978431,
- Barnhälsovård: att främja barns hälsa, Magnusson, Margaretha; Blennow, Margareta; Hagelin, Elisabet; Sundelin, Claes, 6. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber, 2016 - 294 s. ISBN: 9789147111862, LIBRIS-ID: 18810581,
- Klinisk barnpsykologi: utveckling på avvägar, Broberg, Anders; Almqvist, Kjerstin; Risholm Mothander, Pia; Tjus, Tomas, 2., rev. utg. : Stockholm : Natur & kultur, 2015 - 576 s. ISBN: 9789127135888, LIBRIS-ID: 17549762,
- Vägledande dokument för elevhälsan, Socialstyrelsen,,
- Vägledning för barnhälsovården, Socialstyrelsen,,