Course syllabus for Scientific Project in Psychology for Exchange Students

Vetenskapligt projektarbete för utbytesstudenter

Essential data

Course code: 2EE105
Course name: Scientific Project in Psychology for Exchange Students
Credits: 60
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Psychology
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (F), fail (Fx), sufficient (E), satisfactory (D), good (C), very good (B) or excellent (A)
Department: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Decided by: Programme Committee 8
Decision date: 2015-11-04
Revised by: Education committee CNS
Last revised: 2017-11-06
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2018

Specific entry requirements

A very good command of English, corresponding to 550 TOEFL scores or a very good command of Swedish, corresponding to a pass in the TISUS test. Three years of university studies with psychology as main field of study. Knowledge of statistics and scientific method corresponding to university studies at undergraduate level (e.g. the knowledge and skills needed to study with a high degree of independence).


Module 1. Definition of a scientific problem, 30 ECTS
At the end of the module, the student should be able to:

  • define a scientific problem within the field of psychology with considerations to the resources and time at hand
  • use scientific databases, extract relevant journals, review, evaluate, and summarize the contents of journals with relevance for the scientific project
  • collect and evaluate, relevant data in relation to the scientific problem
  • describe the ethical principles to be adhered to in psychological research and show basic skills in how to prepare an ethics approval

Module 2. Analysis of data and report of the scientific project, 30 ECTS
At the end of the module, the student should be able to:

  • compile, analyze and interpret collected data in relation to the scientific problem, present data in written form with scientific stringency
  • discuss, evaluate and argue in relation to the student’s own and other students’ scientific projects, with relevance for the scientific problem and with methodological and ethical considerations
  • conduct an oral presentation in English with a summary of the scientific project using relevant technical equipment (power-point, Skype, etc.)
  • show ability to follow good research practice, follow ethical rules, show integrity in research and documentation, and be aware of the specific responsibility of research that involves people or animals
  • discuss and understand the importance of cooperation in different parts of the research process


The objective of the course is to further deepen the student’s knowledge and skills in psychology and psychological methods adding to previous knowledge and skills by the planning and execution of a 60 ECTS scientific project under supervision in the field of psychology. The scientific project can be carried out by the individual student or by two students in cooperation. In the latter case the students will be required to show which student is responsible for each of the parts of the scientific work and the final project report. The course is divided into two (2) modules:

Definition of a scientific problem and collection of data, 30.0 credits

Grading scale: AF
At the course introduction, the student chooses topics and methods of analysis in collaboration with the examiner/course director. Topics for the scientific project are provided by supervisors according to instructions. The topic chosen by the student is discussed by the research faculty of the Division for psychology in consultation with a scientific committee, and finally approved by the examiner of the course. After approval, the student is expected to contact the supervisor in order to further define and limit the specific scientific question and also to set up a project plan. The project plan should contain a background with a good theoretical depth, project aims, specification what methods will be used, as well as an analyses plan. During module 1, the student is also expected to begin to collect, evaluate, and interpret relevant data in relation to the scientific problem.

The topics for the scientific project may include different subareas in and approaches to psychology:

  • implementation, analysis and report of psychological experiments
  • analysis and report of data from an established research project
  • psychometric evaluations of instruments with relevance for psychology
  • systematic literature surveys, e.g., meta-analysis
  • primary analysis of collected data
  • secondary analysis of published data

The student should prior to the halftime checkup submit a short summary (not longer than 1 A4 page in length) of the progress made on the project as well as a tentative plan for the remainder of the course (30hp).

Analysis of data and report of the scientific project, 30.0 credits

Grading scale: AF
During module 2, the student continues to work on the scientific project under supervision. Data is further interpreted and discussed. Finally, the scientific project is presented in a written project report (thesis). Once the supervisor has decided that the project report is ready to be discussed, it is examined in a project seminar through a scientific discussion between respondent (the student) and opponent (a fellow student). The project seminar should be held at Karolinska Institutet. As an exception, and only after a decision by the examiner, it may be held at distance through digital devices. As a respondent, the student is expected to show ability to orally summarize and present his/her scientific project for about 15 minutes in English, using necessary technical equipment. Slides/material used in this presentation should also be written in English. As an opponent, the student is expected to constructively discuss another student’s scientific report.

Teaching methods

The student is expected to work independently to a large extent with continuous feedback from the supervisor. The student is also expected to participate in compulsory project seminars at the end of the course, to give feedback to another student’s project and to receive feedback from another student and from the examiner.

The course coordinator decides whether, and if so how, absence from compulsory course elements can be compensated for. Study results cannot be reported until the student has participated in compulsory course elements or compensated for any absence in accordance with instructions from the course coordinator.


Module 1. Definition of a scientific problem (30hp).
The examination consist of an evaluation of the submitted written project plan at the halftime checkup. Grades are as follow: Fail (F), insufficient (Fx), sufficient (E), satisfactory (D), good (C), very good (B), or excellent (A). (Grade F means that considerable additional work is required, and grade Fx means that some additional work is required. Grade E means that the performance meets the minimum criteria, and A that the performance is outstanding with only minor errors).

Module 2. Analyses of data and report of the scientific project (30hp).
The examination consist of a project seminar where the scientific quality of the written project plan is assessed as well as the ability of both the respondent and opponent to serve in their respective function is assessed by the examiner. Final grade of the project plan (as well as the whole course) is determined after the final, corrected version, is submitted to the examiner. Grades are as follow: Fail (F), insufficient (Fx), sufficient (E), satisfactory (D), good (C), very good (B), or excellent (A). (Grade F means that considerable additional work is required, and grade Fx means that some additional work is required. Grade E means that the performance meets the minimum criteria, and A that the performance is outstanding with only minor errors).

To pass the whole course, at least the grade E on module 1 and 2 is required. The grade of moment 2 determines the grade of the whole course.

Transitional provisions

The transition rules follow KI's local guidelines for examination.

Other directives

If the scientific project work expands in time (more than two semesters from course start) the student cannot rely on supervision from the original supervisor. This may limit the possibility for the student to complete the scientific project according to the original plan.

Literature and other teaching aids

Mandatory literature

Articles according to supervisors instructions.

Additional non-mandatory literature

  • Bem, D.J, Writing a review article for Psychological Bulletin,
  • Kazdin, A.E, Preparing and Evaluating Research Reports,
  • Kazdin, Alan E. (ed), Methodological issues & strategies in clinical research, 3rd ed. : Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2003. - xix, 913 p. ISBN: 1-55798-958-3, LIBRIS-ID: 9326851,
  • Kazdin, Alan E., Research design in clinical psychology, 4. uppl. : Boston, MA : Allyn and Bacon, cop. 2003 - xvii, 637 s. ISBN: 0-205-33292-7, LIBRIS-ID: 8835326,
  • Rosenthal, R, Writing meta-analytic reviews: Psychological Bulletin, 118,
  • Wilkinson, L, Statistical methods in psychology journals:: Guidelines and explanations, 54 :
  • Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 6. ed. : Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, cop. 2010, [eg. 2009] - xviii, 272 p. ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 (pbk), LIBRIS-ID: 11503766,

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