Course syllabus for Project in Health Informatics for Exchange Students
Projekt inom hälsoinformatik för utbytesstudenter
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
A Bachelor's degree or a professional degree equivalent to a Swedish Bachelor's degree of at least 180 credits in healthcare, biomedicine, medical technology, computer and systems sciences, informatics or the equivalent. And proficiency in English equivalent to English B2/English 6.
The course aims to enable students to, under supervision and via independent work, plan and carry out a research project within the health informatics field.
Knowledge and understanding
The student shall be able to demonstrate:
- an understanding whether a research question falls within the boundaries of health informatics, and whether it is specific and appropriately delimited, and
- acquire and critically review relevant scientific literature in support of broadening and deepening his or her subject specific and methodological knowledge within health informatics.
The student shall be able to demonstrate an ability to:
- individually plan, design and carry out a research project within specified time limits,
- clearly formulate scientific research questions, motivate choice of scientific method as well as present and discuss results, orally and in writing, in a scientific way,
- critically draw conclusions and reflect on the meaning of obtained empirical results and identify the need for further knowledge,
- critically and objectively assess others' scientific work and be able to give relevant feedback, orally and in written, and
- reflect upon the ethical concerns of the project, as well as the project's impact on society.
The student shall be able to:
- take responsibility for one's own knowledge development, and
- demonstrate an awareness and ability to take relevant social and ethical aspects into account throughout the research process as well as with possible usage of research results.
The project work consists of an individual project addressing a relevant scientific problem in health informatics. The project is documented in form of a scientific report.
Teaching methods
Independant, individual work under supervision plus participation in seminars. Studies of scientific literature according to the supervisor's recommendation and the student's own assessment.
The examination consists of
- a written project report,
- oral presentation at the examination seminar,
- oral opposition at the examination seminar, and
- a written opposition report.
The projekt work is assessed with A-F.
Compulsory participation
The course includes mandatory sessions marked in the course schedule. The examiner assesses if and, in that case, how absence from compulsory parts can be compensated. Before the student has participated in all compulsory parts or compensated absence in accordance with the examiner's instructions, the student's results for the course will not be registered. Absence from a compulsory part may result in the student having to wait to compensate until the next time the course is given.
Other directives
Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Committee for Higher Education.
The course is given in English.