Course syllabus for Typical Speech, Language and Reading Acquisition
Typisk tal-, språk- och läsutveckling
Essential data
Course code: 2LG076
Course name: Typical Speech, Language and Reading Acquisition
Credits: 6
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Not applicable
Level: GX - First cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Decision date: 2024-03-13
Revised by: Education committee CLINTEC
Last revised: 2024-03-13
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2024
Literature and other teaching aids
- Håkansson, Gisela, Språkinlärning hos barn, 2., [rev. och uppdaterade] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014 - 144 s. ISBN: 9789144094625, LIBRIS-ID: 16440078, *
- Aksu-Koç, A.; Aktan-Erciyes, A., Narrative Discourse: Developmental Perspectives, Ingår i: Bar-On, Amalia; Dattner, Elitzur; Ravid, Dorit, Handbook of Communication Disorders: Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Linguistic Perspectives, Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, [2018] - 1 online resource (969 p.) ISBN: 9781614514909, LIBRIS-ID: w5x2lk7nt16gw0zc, Online access for KIB, p. 329-347,
- Castles, A.; Rastle, K.; Nation, K., Ending the reading wars: Reading acquisition from novice to expert, 2018 Ingår i: Psychological science in the public interest.: a journal of the American Psychological Society : a supplement to Psychological science, Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publ., 2000- ISSN: 1539-6053, LIBRIS-ID: 3229891, Online access for KIB, 19 (2018) : 1, p. 5-51,
- Kent, R. D., Research on speech motor control and its disorders: A review and prospective, 2000 Ingår i: Journal of communication disorders., Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1967- LIBRIS-ID: 9033400, Table of Contents / Abstracts, 33 (2000) : 5, p. 391-428,
- Kidd, E.; Donnelly, S.; Christiansen, M. H., Individual differences in language Acquisition and Processing, 2018 Ingår i: Trends in cognitive sciences., Cambridge : Elsevier, 1997- LIBRIS-ID: 9033775, Table of Contents / Abstracts, 22 (2018) : 2, p. 186-223,
- Matthews, D.; Biney, H.; Abbot-Smith, K., Individual differences in childrens pragmatic ability: A review of associations with formal language, social cognition, and executive functions, 2018 Ingår i: Language learning and development: the official journal of the Society for Language Development., Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c2005- ISSN: 1547-3341, LIBRIS-ID: 11351849, Online access for KIB, 14 (2018) : 3, p. 186-223,
- Munson, B.; Edwards, J.; Beckman, M. E., Phonological knowledge in typical and atypical speechsound development, 2005 Ingår i: Topics in language disorders, 1980-2003 LIBRIS-ID: 11241908, Online access for KIB, 25 (2005) : 3, p. 190-206,
- Rowe, M. L.; Weisleder, A., Language development in context, 2020 Ingår i: Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, uuuu-uuuu ISBN: 26407922, LIBRIS-ID: 7nn1m2vk5hjv9zcz, (2020) : 2, p. 201-223,
- Unsworth, S., Current issues in multilingual first language acquisition, 2013 Ingår i: Annual review of applied linguistics, 2001- ISSN: 1471-6356, LIBRIS-ID: 9356669, Online access for KIB, (2013) : 33, p. 21-50,
- Rowland, Caroline, Understanding child language acquisition, - 307 pages ISBN: 9780415827133, LIBRIS-ID: 14216908,
- Edwards, J.; Beckman, M. E., Some cross-linguistic evidence for modulation of implicational universals by language-specific frequency effects in phonological development, 2008 Ingår i: Language learning and development: the official journal of the Society for Language Development., Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c2005- ISSN: 1547-3341, LIBRIS-ID: 11351849, Online access for KIB, 4 (2008) : 2, p. 122-156,
- Speech development between 30 and 119 months in typical children I: Intelligibility growth curves for single-word and multiword productions, Hustad, K. C.; Mahr, T. J.; Natzke, P.; Rathouz, P. J., 2021 Ingår i: JSLHR : journal of speech, language, and hearing research, Rockville, MD : American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1970- ISSN: 1558-9102, LIBRIS-ID: 10160621, 64 (2021) : 10, p. 3707-3719,
- Kent, R. D., The biology of phonological development, 1992 Ingår i: Ferguson, Charles A.; Menn, Lise; Stoel-Gammon, Carol, Phonological development: models, research, implications, Timonium, Md. : York Press, cop. 1992 - xviii, 693 s. ISBN: 0912752246, LIBRIS-ID: 6766875, (1992) p. 65-90,
- Lundine, J. P.; McCauley, R. J., A tutorial on expository discourse: Structure, development, and disorders in children and adolescents, 2016 Ingår i: American journal of speech-language pathology [Elektronisk resurs]., Rockville, Md. : American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, ISSN: 1558-9110, LIBRIS-ID: 11338519, 25 (2016) : 3, p. 306-320,
- Nippold, Marilyn A., Later language development: school-age children, adolescents, and young adults, Fourth Edition : Austin, Texas : PRO-ED, 2016 - x, 325 pages ISBN: 9781416410133, LIBRIS-ID: 19756405,
- Schuele, C. Melanie; Boudreau, Donna, Phonological Awareness Intervention: Beyond the Basics, 2008 Fritt tillgänglig här, Ingår i: Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, 1993-2009 LIBRIS-ID: kxszd1c3h3ts1ncn, 39 (2008) : 1, p. 3-20,
- van Kleeck, Anne, Distinguishing between casual talk and academic talk beginning in the preschool years: an important consideration for speech-language pathologists, 2014, Ingår i: American journal of speech-language pathology [Elektronisk resurs]., Rockville, Md. : American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, ISSN: 1558-9110, LIBRIS-ID: 11338519, 23 (2014) : 4, p. 724-741,
- Westby, C.; Culatta, B., Telling tales: Personal event narratives and life stories, 2016 Fritt tillgänglig här, Ingår i: Language speech and hearing services in schools., Rockville, Md. : American Speech and Hearing Association, 1970- ISSN: 0161-1461, LIBRIS-ID: 3510088, 47 (2016) : 4, p. 260-282,