Course syllabus for Speech and Language Disorders in Children and Youth 2
Tal- och språkstörningar hos barn och ungdomar 2
Essential data
Course code: 2LG105
Course name: Speech and Language Disorders in Children and Youth 2
Credits: 4.5
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Speech and Language Pathology
Level: G2 - First cycle 2
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Decided by: Education committee CLINTEC
Decision date: 2024-10-14
Revised by: Education committee CLINTEC
Last revised: 2024-10-14
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2025
Literature and other teaching aids
- Paul, Rhea; Norbury, Courtenay; Gosse, Carolyn, Language disorders from infancy through adolescence: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and communicating, Fifth edition. : 2018 - xx, 812 pages ISBN: 9780323442343, LIBRIS-ID: 22421406, *
- Beukelman, David R.; Light, Janice C., Augmentative & alternative communication: supporting children and adults with complex communication needs, Fifth edition. : Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., [2020] - PDF (xvi, 686 sidor) ISBN: 9781681253046, LIBRIS-ID: t6k6j7rtr9jmhq3w, *
- Clegg, Judy; Spencer, Sarah; Rohde, Carla CE, Teen Talk. Language disorders during adolescence and young adulthood., Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield, 2022 Teen Talk, *
- Adlof, S. M.; Hogan, T. P., Understanding dyslexia in the context of developmental language disorders, 2018 Ingår i: Language speech and hearing services in schools., Rockville, Md. : American Speech and Hearing Association, 1970- ISSN: 0161-1461, LIBRIS-ID: 3510088, 49 (2018) : 4, p. 762-773, *
- The co-occurence of neurodevelopmental problems in dyslexia, Brimo, K.; Dinkler, L.; Gillberg, C.; Lichtenstein, P.; Lundström, S.; Åsberg Johnels, J., 2021 Ingår i: Dyslexia, 1996- ISSN: 1099-0909, LIBRIS-ID: 4107858, Online access for KIB, 27 (2021) : 3, p. 277-293, *
- Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders, Ebbels, S. H.; McCartney, E.; Slonims, V.; Dockrell, J. E.; Norbury, C. F., 2019 Ingår i: International journal of language & communication disorders, London : Taylor & Francis, 1998- ISSN: 1368-2822, LIBRIS-ID: 4318919, 54 (2019) : 1, p. 3-19,
- Meaux, A. B.; Norris, J. A., Curriculum-based language interventions: What, who, why, where and how?, 2018 Ingår i: Language speech and hearing services in schools., Rockville, Md. : American Speech and Hearing Association, 1970- ISSN: 0161-1461, LIBRIS-ID: 3510088, 49 (2018) : 2, p. 165-175,
- Kamhi, Alan G.; Catts, Hugh W., Language and reading disabilities, 3rd ed., Pearson new international ed. : Harlow, England : Pearson, c2014. - 1 online resource (i, 321 p.) ISBN: 9781292035192-, LIBRIS-ID: 15124366,
- Ukrainetz, Teresa A., School-age language intervention: Evidence-based practices - Second Edition, Austin, Texas: PRO-ED, INc., 2024, 743 pages, 2024
- Elliott, Julian; Grigorenko, Elena L., The dyslexia debate, New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014 - 271 p. ISBN: 978-0-521-11986-3, LIBRIS-ID: 16373686,
- Wallach, Geraldine P.; Ocampo, Alaine, Language and literacy connections: intervention for school-age children and adolescents, San Diego, CA : Plural Publishing, Inc., 2020 - pages cm ISBN: 9781635502138, LIBRIS-ID: lz4pjl35jhxk4tzx,
- Mishra, Ankit; Khan, Azizuddin, Domain-general and domain-specific cognitive correlates of developmental dyscalculia: a systematic review of the last two decades literature, 2022, Ingår i: Child neuropsychology: a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence., Lisse, the Netherlands : Swets & Zeitlinger, c1995- LIBRIS-ID: 11242980, (2022) p. 1-51,