Course syllabus for Work and Organizational Psychology 1
Arbets- och organisationspsykologi 1
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
For admission to this course, students must have no more than 15 credits remaining from the previous term, and no credits remaining from any terms preceding this.
The student should on completion of the course
Knowledge and understanding
- have basic knowledge of different orientations and approaches in research and practice within the field of work- and organizational psychology
- be able to account for current research regarding the impact of different work-related factors on individuals' health and well-being
- be able to account for different stress models that are used within the field of work- and organizational psychology
- be able to account for organizational theories
- be able to account for how the contents, design and organization of work influence individuals, groups and organizations
- have knowledge of methods and instruments used for investigating various types of issues in working life
- have basic knowledge of relevant legislation and key stakeholders within the field of labor law and work environment in Sweden.
Skills and abilities
- demonstrate the ability to evaluate and choose methods for assessment and investigation that is appropriate for different kind of issues regarding individuals and groups in working life
- demonstrate the ability to solve tasks, individually and in groups, within the field of work and organizational psychology and write and present answers and explanations of these tasks
- demonstrate the ability to plan and design crisis management in an organization and assess and plan for appropriate interventions.
Judgement ability and approach
- be able to reflect and critically review the scientific foundation of the field of work- and organizational psychology
- be able to reflect on the limitations of methods and the conclusions that can be drawn, as well as being cautious when using methods and other procedures in practice
- be able to reflect critically around the professional ethical dilemmas and the psychologist's responsibility for the quality and consequences of his/her work as well as his/her role as a representative for the profession
- be able to reflect on crisis management and applications in the form of crisis support initiatives based on a scientific basis.
The course consists of the following three modules:
Work and organizational psychology, 7.0 credits
Grading scale: VU
Module 1 consists of lectures and seminars that give an overview of the field of work and organizational psychology. The module has a basic health perspective with a focus on the impact of work-life factors on individuals' health, well-being and quality of work. During the lectures, a broad theoretical basis of key theories and concepts in the field is presented. Subjects that are addressed are for example psychosocial factors, stress, sleep and recovery, working environment with laws and regulations, organizational theories and the working life from a historical and social perspective. The module also focuses on research perspectives and methods for analysis and investigation.
Themes in work and organizational psychology, 4.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Module 2 consists of seminars and independent work, individually and in groups, with solving tasks related to the field of work and organizational psychology. The module includes active participation during seminars and presentations as well as both oral presentations and written submissions.
Crisis management, 1.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Module 3 contains an introduction to crisis management with a focus on the psychologist's role in managing crises in organizations. Fictitious cases are discussed and practical exercises are carried out.
Teaching methods
Some course elements are compulsory, see heading "Examination".
Module 1, Work and organizational psychology
The module consists partly of teacher-supervised lectures and seminars, partly of independent reading of the literature and assignments. There are reading instructions to the lectures and the students are encouraged to active participation by discussing and reflecting on the themes of the lectures.
Module 2, Themes in work and organizational psychology
The module consists of independent work, individually and in groups, with solving tasks within the field of work and organizational psychology. seminars with both teacher- and peer-supported problem solving are given during the module. The assignments will be presented in writing as well as be discussed orally and be presented during the seminars.
Module 3, Crisis management
The psychologist´s role in dealing with crises in organizations is discussed and practiced in the form of fictional cases.
The course is examined both individually and in groups, with both written and oral examinations and assignments.
Module 1, Work and organizational psychology
The module is examined through
- examination by the end of the module, is graded U (Fail), G (Pass) or VG (Pass with distinction)
- active participation in compulsory lectures and seminars according to instructions in schedule
- compulsory written assignments
The module is graded U, G or VG.
The grade G on the module requires G on the examination assignment 1, as well as fulfillment of compulsory course elements. The grade VG requires VG on assignment 1, as well as fulfillment of compulsory course elements.
Module 2, Themes in work and organizational psychology
The module is examined through
- submission of written reports of different assignments, individually and in groups, is graded U or G
- attendance and active participation in mandatory seminars/presentations according to instructions in the schedule. Includes, among other things, oral presentation of various tasks, individually and in groups.
The module is graded U or G.
The grade G on the module requires G on all the written assignment reports as well as fulfillment of compulsory course elements.
Module 3, Crisis management
The module is examined through
- active participation in compulsory lectures/workshops according to instructions in the schedule.
The module is graded U or G.
The grade G on the module requires fulfillment of compulsory course elements.
Course grade
The course is graded U, G or VG. The grade G on the entire course requires G on all modules 1, 2 and 3. The grade VG requires VG on module 1 and G on modules 2 and 3.
Absence from or non-fulfillment of compulsory educational elements
The examiner decides whether, and if so how, absence from or unfulfillment of compulsory course elements can be made up for. Study results cannot be reported until the student has participated in or fulfilled compulsory course elements, or compensated for any absence/ failure to fulfill in accordance with instructions from the examiner. Absence from or unfulfillment of a compulsory course element may imply that the student can not retake the element until the next time the course is offered.
Limitation of the number of examinations
Students who do not pass the regular examination are entitled to retake the examination on five more occasions. If the student has failed a total of six examinations/tests, no additional examination will be given. Each occasion the student participates in the same test counts as an examination. Submission of blank exam is counted as an examination. An electronic examination that has been opened via the learning management system counts as an examination, even if the examination is not submitted. An examination to which the student registered but did not attend, will not be counted as an examination. In order for an examination assignment to be relevant for assessment, it must have been submitted by the appointed time, otherwise the student is referred to the re-examination opportunity.
Possibility of exemption from the syllabus' regulations on examination
If there are special grounds, or a need for adaptation for a student with a disability, the examiner may decide to deviate from the syllabus's regulations on the examination form, the number of examination opportunities, the possibility of supplementation or exemptions from the compulsory section/s of the course etc. Content and learning outcomes as well as the level of expected knowledge, skills, and approach may not be changed, removed or reduced.
Transitional provisions
If the course is cancelled or goes through substantial changes, information about interim regulations will be stated here.
Other directives
Course evaluation takes place according to KI's local guidelines. Results and possible measures are returned to the students on course web.
The course will not be credited in a degree together with another course the student has completed and passed which completely or partly corresponds to the contents of this course. The following courses are (partly) overlapping: 2PS011 Work and organizational psychology 1 15 credits, 2PS018 Work and organizational psychology 1 15 credits, 2PS028 Work and organizational psychology 1 15 credits, 2PS031 Work and organizational psychology 1 15 credits.
Literature and other teaching aids
Mandatory literature
- An introduction to work and organizational psychology: an international perspective, Chmiel, Nik; Fraccaroli, Franco; Sverke, Magnus, Third edition : Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley Blackwell, 2017 - 536 pages ISBN: 978-1-119-16802-7, LIBRIS-ID: 19975112,
- Eklöf, Mats, Psykosocial arbetsmiljö: begrepp, bedömning och utveckling, Andra upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2022] - 416 sidor ISBN: 9789144143590, LIBRIS-ID: jz7w07sngkb3b6f2,
Compulsory articles will be added. Announced at the course start.