Course syllabus for Health Psychology


Essential data

Course code: 2PS053
Course name: Health Psychology
Credits: 7.5
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Psychology
Level: G2 - First cycle 2
Grading scale: Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Decided by: Education committee CNS
Decision date: 2024-10-09
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2025

Specific entry requirements

Passed results of the first and second semester (60 credits) and at least 15 credits from the third semester of the Study Programme in Psychology.

Student having failed placement (placement or the equivalent) as a consequence of having shown serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitude that client- or patient security or the clients/ the patients/ the employers' trust for the activities/the healthcare been jeopardised, are qualified to new placement only when the individual action plan has been completed.


Module 1, Basic Health Psychology
On completion of the module, the student should be able to

  • describe and discuss central concepts, models, and theories within the field of health psychology, such as health, health behavior, placebo, stress, and mind-body dualism
  • describe and discuss research methods and evidence within health psychology
  • explain and discuss psychobiological perspectives on sleep, stress, and pain
  • explain pathology regarding common somatic diseases and their pathophysiology, as well as the relationship between disease/pathophysiology and psychological/ behavioral factors
  • describe methods central to health behavior change and behavioral treatments
  • integrate knowledge from health psychology and pathology to describe, analyse, and propose measures based on a given context.

Module 2, Applied Health Psychology
On completion of the module, the student should be able to

  • show ability to describe applied work within the field of the health psychology, based on their own observations
  • describe and reflect around the theories and assumptions behind the practical work in the organization, and reflect on difficulties and possibilities with implementation of evidence-based care
  • identify and describe the competency of the professions that work together in the organization
  • reflect on whether and how collaboration between different professions contributes to evidence-based care and rehabilitation, improved health and/ or high quality research.


The course consists of the following two modules:

Basic Health Psychology, 6.0 credits

Grading scale: VU
In the first module of the course, central concepts and models within health psychology are discussed, such as stress and health, as well as psychobiological perspectives on pain, stress, and sleep. Furthermore, methods for influencing behavior/ lifestyle, such as in preventive work and behavioral treatments, are discussed. Alternative and complementary medicine is briefly touched upon. Students work with pathology concerning common diseases, such as pathophysiology, physical and psychological symptoms, risk and protective factors and their mechanisms, and lifestyle-related interventions.

Applied Health Psychology, 1.5 credits

Grading scale: GU
The modul's first part consists of observation of professional practice relevant to health psychology, e g psychological treatment in somatic care, preventive health care or in health-psychological research. The final part consists of presentation and discussion of observations at the site, and an analysis of theories and methods informing the work in the particular site observed on theories and methods that underlie the work on the auscultation place.

Teaching methods

The teaching consists of teacher-supervised lectures and seminars with certain practical elements.

Some course elements are compulsory, see heading "Examination".


The course is examined in the following way:

Module 1, Basic Health Psychology
a) written examination, is graded U, G or VG
b) compulsory teamwork on disease theory
c) active participation in compulsory seminar on stress.

The module is graded U, G or VG.
The grade G on the module requires G on the written exam, as well as fulfillment of compulsory course elements according to instructions.
The grade VG on the module requires VG on the written exam, as well as fulfillment of compulsory course elements according to instructions.

Module 2, Applied Health Psychology
a) compulsory auscultation
b) written report, is graded U or G
c) compulsory participation in discussion seminar.

The module is graded U or G.
The grade G on the module requires G on the written report, as well as fulfillment of compulsory course elements according to instructions.

Course grade
The entire course is graded U, G or VG.
The grade G on entire course requires G on both modules.
The grade VG on entire course requires VG on module 1 and G on module 2.

Absence from or unfulfillment of compulsory course elements
The examiner decides whether, and if so how, absence from or unfulfillment of compulsory course elements can be made up for. Study results cannot be reported until the student has participated in or fulfilled compulsory course elements, or compensated for any absence/ failure to fulfill in accordance with instructions from the examiner. Absence from or unfulfillment of a compulsory course element may imply that the student can not retake the element until the next time the course is offered.

Limitation in the number of VIL opportunities
Regarding the auscultation, which is a VIL placement, the number of times a student has the right to auscultate is limited to two (2) times.

Guidelines in case of failure of auscultation (VIL)
The examiner may, with immediate effect, interrupt a student's auscultation (VIL) if the student demonstrates such a serious lack of understanding, skills or attitude that patient security or the patients' confidence in medical care is at risk. If a VIL opportunity is interrupted in this way, this counts as one failed VIL opportunity. In such cases, an individual action plan should be established, where it is made explicit what activities and examinations are required before the student is qualified for a second VIL-opportunity on the course.

Possibility of exception from the course syllabus' regulations on examination
If there are special grounds, or a need for adaptation for a student with a disability, the examiner may decide to deviate from the syllabus' regulations on the examination form, the number of examination opportunities, the possibility of supplementation or exemptions from the compulsory section/s of the course etc. Content and learning outcomes as well as the level of expected skills, knowledge and attitudes may not be changed, removed or reduced.

Transitional provisions

If the course is cancelled or goes through substantial changes, information about interim regulations will be stated here.

Other directives

Course evaluation takes place according to KI's local guidelines. Results and possible actions are communicated to the students on the course web page.

Literature and other teaching aids

Additional reading according to the teacher's instruction.

  • Morrison, James R., When psychological problems mask medical disorders: a guide for psychotherapists, Second edition : New York : Guilford Press, cop. 2015 - viii, 247 p. ISBN: 978-1-4625-2177-7, LIBRIS-ID: 18318386,
  • Sand, olav; et al, Människokroppen: Fysiologi och anatomi, Stockholm : Liber, 2007 - 544s ISBN: 9789147084357,

Mandatory literature - CHOOSE yourself one (1) of these two books

  • Ogden, Jane, Health Psychology, Seventh edition : Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2023 - xxvii, 566 sidor ISBN: 9780335251865, LIBRIS-ID: 0grh2g36x2s714qn,,
  • Morrison, Val; Bennett, Paul, An introduction to health psychology, Fifth edition. : Harlow, England : Pearson, 2022 - XIV, 705 sidor ISBN: 9781292262901, LIBRIS-ID: 0fr8q1l1xdpj9d9w,