Course syllabus for Psychology and Psychotherapy in Clinical Practice 3
Psykologisk/psykoterapeutisk klinik 3
Essential data
Course code: 2PT134
Course name: Psychology and Psychotherapy in Clinical Practice 3
Credits: 11
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Psychotherapy
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Decision date: 2018-03-28
Revised by: Education committee CNS
Last revised: 2024-09-20
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2024
Psychiatric Diagnostics and Theory Specific Assessment, 3.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Psychotherapy Under Supervision, 7.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Self-Experiential Work and Clinical Skills, 1.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Literature and other teaching aids
- Case formulation in cognitive behaviour therapy: the treatment of challenging and complex cases, Tarrier, Nicholas; Johnson, Judith, 2. ed. : London : Routledge, 2016 - 384 s. ISBN: 9780415741781, LIBRIS-ID: 19249325,
- Etik och juridik - för psykologer och psykoterapeuter, Sverne Arvill, Ebba; Hjelm, Åke; Johnsson, Lars-Åke; Sääf, Christina, 8 uppl. : Studentlitteratur AB, 2020 - 456 sidor ISBN: 9789144137759, LIBRIS-ID: kws72brkhhn8p127,
- Whittington, Adrian; Grey, Nick, How to become a more effective CBT therapist: mastering metacompetence in clinical practice, Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014 - xviii, 318 s. ISBN: 9781118468357, LIBRIS-ID: 15158271,
- Wright, Jesse H., Cognitive-behavior therapy for severe mental illness: an illustrated guide, 1st ed. : Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Pub., cop. 2009 - xx, 354 p. ISBN: 978-1-58562-321-1 (alk. paper), LIBRIS-ID: 11579323,
- Acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness for psychosis, Morris, Eric M. J.; Johns, Louise C.; Oliver, Joseph E., Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 - xxii, 279 pages ISBN: 9781119950806, LIBRIS-ID: 20913249,
- Experiencing CBT from the inside out: a self practice/self-reflection, Bennett-Levy, James.; Thwaites, Richard; Haarhoff, Beverly; Perry, Helen, New York : Guilford, 2015. - xvi, 278 pages ISBN: 1462518893, LIBRIS-ID: 17851919,
- Farmer, Richard F.; Chapman, Alexander L., Behavioral interventions in cognitive behavior therapy: practical guidance for putting theory into action, Second edition. : Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, [2016] - vi, 430 p. ISBN: 9781433820359, LIBRIS-ID: 18240553,
- Farrell, Joan M.; Shaw, Ida A., Experiencing schema therapy from the inside out: a self-practice/self-reflection workbook for therapists, 2018 - xv, 318 pages ISBN: 9781462535507, LIBRIS-ID: 7hbsqhg753bbrtp4,
- Kingdon, David G.; Turkington, Douglas, Cognitive therapy of schizophrenia, New York : Guilford Press, cop. 2005 - xvi, 219 s. ISBN: 1-59385-104-9 (alk. paper), LIBRIS-ID: 9804213,,
- Kolts, Russell L., Experiencing compassion-focused therapy from the inside out, Guilford Press, 2018 ISBN: 9781462535262, LIBRIS-ID: l04h16fdjr1tmkpv,,
- Stopa, Lusia Aldona, Imagery in cognitive-behavioral therapy, New York : The Guilford Press, [2021] - xvii, 316 pages ISBN: 9781462547289, LIBRIS-ID: 0f75399lxdqbrlhg,
- Stott, Richard, Oxford guide to metaphors in CBT: building cognitive bridges, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 - viii, 249 p. ISBN: 9780199207497 (pbk. : alk. paper), LIBRIS-ID: 12127396,
- Tirch, Dennis D., Experiencing ACT from the inside out: a self-practice/self-reflection workbook for therapists, New York : The Guilford Press, [2019] - xvi, 256 pages ISBN: 9781462540655, LIBRIS-ID: 4n5wzz7r266g0nv7,