Course syllabus for Sports Medicine and Sports Medicine Research Methodology

Idrottsmedicin och idrottsvetenskaplig metodik

Essential data

Course code: 2QA320
Course name: Sports Medicine and Sports Medicine Research Methodology
Credits: 30
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Not applicable
Level: Second cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
Decision date: 2020-11-20
Revised by: Education committee MMK
Last revised: 2024-03-26
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2024

Specific entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree or a professional degree of at least 120 credits is required in health care or sports and training. Or at least 240 credits from the Study Programme in Medicine. And proficiency in Swedish and English equivalent to Swedish B/Swedish 3 and English A/English 6.


The student should have advanced knowledge and understanding on completion of the course for how medical subjects are related to physical activity and sports.

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. on the basis of advanced knowledge in sports physiology, sports traumatology, sports rehabilitation, sports psychology and a sports injury epidemiology reflect and explain the relationship between sports/physical training and sports-related injuries, and between sports-related injuries and their rehabilitation.
2. choose adequate evaluation instruments to evaluate both physical status of the uninjured athlete and different physical parameters after rehabilitation of an injured athlete before returning to sports.
3. design, carry out and document a literature study based on current scientific findings in the sports medical area.
4. identify and carry out preventive actions against sports injuries, and account for how adequate rehabilitation and evaluation after a sports injury should be conducted.


The course gives a scientific insight into current research in sports medicine, including sports physiology, sports traumatology, sports rehabilitation, sports psychology and a sports injury epidemiology. The course is divided in 4 modules.

Research methodology and statistics, 4.0 credits

Grading scale: GU

Sports medicine 1, 11.0 credits

Grading scale: GU

Areas of general medicine, 3.0 credits

Grading scale: GU

ENG, 4.0 credits

Grading scale: GU

Project work, 8.0 credits

Grading scale: GU

Teaching methods

The course sessions consist of lectures, video demonstrations and discussions of diagnostics, acute treatment and rehabilitation in different case studies, i.e. patients with typical sports-related injuries and clinical joint diagnostics. Some teaching will take place in seminars, in which the students work in groups with different problem-oriented assignments in the sports medical area. Furthermore, teaching of research methodology and statistics, and practical laboratory sessions with the use of various research equipments will take place. In addition to this, literature studies and review of scientific articles are included. All parts in the course should be dominated by a reflecting attitude to sports based on the sports positive both as negative effects on the health.

Compulsory participation: 80% attendance is required. If this is not fulfilled, individual written assignments are required. There is no possibility to re-take the course.


The course is examined in the following way:
Part 1: written and oral examination
Part 2: written examination
Part 3: written examination
Part 4: written examination
Part 5: oral presentation and written documentation of literature study

For a Pass with distinction in the entire course, the grade Pass with distinction is required in all examination parts.

Other directives

Language of instruction: mainly Swedish, but English-speaking guest lecturers may be involved. Part of the litterature, especially the scientific papers, is in English.

Evaluation of the course will take place in connection with the course closure and be conducted in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Higher Education.

Literature and other teaching aids

  • Ekstrand, Jan; Karlsson, Jon, Fotbollsmedicin, Solna : Svenska fotbollförb., 1998 - 496 s. ISBN: 91-88474-06-2 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 8381690, *
  • Förebygga, behandla, rehabilitera idrottsskador: en illustrerad guide, Bahr, Roald (red); Mæhlum, Sverre (red), Stockholm : SISU idrottsböcker, 2004 - 416 s. ISBN: 91-88941-83-3 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 9397588, *
  • Hassmén, Peter; Hassmén, Nathalie; Plate, Johan, Idrottspsykologi, Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 2003 - 398, [1] s. ISBN: 91-27-09149-X (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 9066912, *
  • Idrottsskador: frontlinjen inom behandling och rehabilitering, Karlsson, Jon; Renström, Per; Holmström, Eva; Forsberg, Artur, Stockholm : Centrum för idrottsforskning, 2007 - 336 s. ISBN: 91-87154-17-X, LIBRIS-ID: 10520361, *
  • Kenttä, Göran; Svensson, Michael, Idrottarens återhämtningsbok: fysiologiska, psykologiska och näringsmässiga fakta för snabb och effektiv återhämning, Stockholm : SISU Idrottsböcker, 2008 - 376 s. ISBN: 91-88941-91-4, LIBRIS-ID: 10902273,, *
  • Michalsik, Lars; Bangsbo, Jens, Aerob och anaerob träning, Öland, Britt Mari; Gullstrand, Lennart, Stockholm : SISU idrottsböcker, 2004 - 261 s. ISBN: 91-88941-87-6, LIBRIS-ID: 9493250, *
  • Peterson, Lars; Renström, Per, Skador inom idrotten: handbok om förebyggande, behandlande och rehabiliterande åtgärder för aktiva, ledare, instruktörer, sjukgymnaster, läkare m.fl., Tunek, Viveka; Brokop, Susanne; Roos, Ole, 3., [uppdaterade och omarb.] uppl. /b översättning av Viveka Tunek, Susanne Brokop, kapitel 21 ; [konstnärer: Lennart : Stockholm : Prisma, 2003 - x, 534 s. ISBN: 91-518-3995-4 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 8904870, *
  • Svantesson, Ulla; Thomeé, Roland; Karlsson, Jon, Idrottarens spänstbok: spänst och elasticitet i muskler och senor, Farsta : SISU, 2001 - 152 s. ISBN: 91-88941-02-7, LIBRIS-ID: 7776774, *
  • Tester och mätmetoder för idrott och hälsa, Bellardini, Helena; Henriksson, Anders; Tonkonogi, Michail; Roberts, Caroline; McAlexander, Jason M.; Flank, Håkan, 1. uppl. : Stockholm : SISU idrottsböcker, 2009 - 397 s. ISBN: 978-91-85433-13-1, LIBRIS-ID: 11305284, Omslagsbild, *
  • Thomeé, Roland, Styrketräning: för idrott, motion och rehabilitering, Stockholm : SISU idrottsböcker, 2008 - 352 s.b ill.c 27 cm ISBN: 978-91-85433-55-1, LIBRIS-ID: 11224970, *
  • Thomeé, Roland; Swärd, Leif; Karlsson, Jon, Nya Motions- och idrottsskador och deras rehabilitering, 1. uppl. : Stockholm : SISU idrottsböcker, 2011 - 344 s. ISBN: 9789186323097, LIBRIS-ID: 12130781, *
  • Tonkonogi, Michail; Bellardini, Helena, Åldersanpassad fysisk träning för barn och ungdom: för hälsa, prestation och individuell utveckling, 1. uppl. : Stockholm : SISU idrottsböcker, 2012 - 149 s. ISBN: 978-91-86323-44-8, LIBRIS-ID: 13483001, *
  • Greenhalgh, Trisha, Att läsa vetenskapliga artiklar och rapporter: grunden för en evidensbaserad vård, 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2012 - 309 s. ISBN: 978-91-44-07271-5, LIBRIS-ID: 12543003, *
  • Hassmén, Nathalie; Hassmén, Peter, Idrottsvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder, Stockholm : SISU idrottsböcker, 2008 - 414 s. ISBN: 978-91-85433-29-2, LIBRIS-ID: 10686708,, *
  • Patel, Runa; Davidson, Bo, Forskningsmetodikens grunder: att planera, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning, 3., [uppdaterade] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2003 - 149 s. ISBN: 9789144022888, LIBRIS-ID: 8868468, *