Course syllabus for From idea to service business - transforming health care
Från idé till tjänsteföretag - hälso- och sjukvård i förvandling
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
No less than 120 credits. English language skills equivalent to English B at Swedish upper secondary school are also required.
The aim of this course is is to enable the students to develop an understanding of and get theoretical and practical knowledge on the development and commercialisation of services in the life sciences.
After the course, the student should be able to:
- analyse, clear communicate and discuss entrepreneurship within the life sciences;
- understand and show on knowledge about the services business and its unique characteristics;
- communicate understanding of development and management of service companies;
- argue advantages and disadvantages with public or private financing of start-ups;
- communicate knowledge within strategy for research-based companies;
- apply knowledge and key tools for entrepreneurship in early phase such as market analysis and analysis of intellectual property rights (such as patents);
- use their new knowledge and individually immerse themselves more in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Focus within Swedish innovation development has shifted during recent years from products and companies within technology/industry to a growing service-based sector. A problem within the life sciences is the lack of individuals with the ability to combine knowledge from the health care sector with business and entrepreneurship knowledge. With increased awareness about service development in this sector and knowledge about current innovation processes and entrepreneurship, a foundation is built that facilitates the commercialisation of ideas. With the insights, skills and the right tools, ideas can be utilised, which can lead to valuable changes in the life sciences and eventually, improve human health.
During the course, the students meet experts with varying background. Different entrepreneurs present their specific experiences of starting and running services businesses in the life science sector and guest speakers provide a broad overview of academic inventions, entrepreneurship, venture capital and business development in the healthcare sector.
Teaching methods
The course follows a student-centered teaching model, in which literature, case studies and practical work is linked to each expected learning outcome. Factual knowledge is received via literature studies and applied through practical work. The practical work consists of workshops, case exercises (case) and project work in groups. External experts stand for inspiration and source to discussion. The teaching and learning is based on so called "entrepreneurial learning" to create conditions for creativity, reflection and initiative.
Project including a written report, an oral presentation and an individually submitted reflection as well as an individual case report and seminar. Active participation on compulsory parts.
Compulsory attendance: Attendance on seminars, workshops and presentations are compulsory. Contact the course administration that will assess if and in that case, how absence can be compensated e g possibly through complementary assignments.
Limitation of number of test - or practical training sessions: The students who not are passed after regular examination session have straight to participate at further five examination sessions. If the student is not passed after four examination sessions, this is recommended to go about the course at the next regular course date, and may thereafter participate at further two examination sessions. If the student has carried out six failed examinations/tests be given not any additional examination or some new admission. Every time the student participates in the same test counts as an examination session. Submission of blank exam is counted as examination session. Examination session to which the student registered with not participated be counted not as examination session.
Transitional provisions
The course has been cancelled and was offered for the last time in the spring semester of 2018. Examination will be provided until the spring semester of 2026 for students who have not completed the course.
Other directives
The course language is English.
The course is offered to students at the five member institutions of The Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES) - Karolinska Institutet (KI), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (Konstfack) and Stockholm university.