Course syllabus for Execution - Running Your Own Company
Utförande - att driva eget företag
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
No less than 120 credits.
The objective of the course is to enable the student to start a business of her/his own. After the course, participants will be able to:
- Understand and demonstrate knowledge of important issues faced when starting a new firm
- Manage important issues faced when starting a new firm
- Argue for critical processes and steps required when starting a new firm
- Be aware of resources required when starting a new firm
- Assemble resources for starting a new firm
- Conduct a market analysis
- Present a business model
- Conduct a basic financial analysis of a new venture
The course focuses on supporting the student in her or his decisions and other action in the new business venture. Students entering the course should have an intention in pursuing a business idea in a company of their own.
The outline of the course is built on experience from active entrepreneurs and follows the typical stages in a new venture, starting with the evaluation and refinement of the existing business idea, moving on to practical steps in setting up a firm, assembling resourcing (external capital, internal resources etc.), market and communication plans.
The course will focus on:
- Strategy (What?) – i.e. markets, offer, business idea, getting-started and establishing a network
- People (Who?) – i.e. entrepreneurial team, recruitment and motivation
- Operational work (Let’s do it!) – i.e. resource gathering, sales/marketing, production and negotiation
- Theoretically, the course connects to the opportunity-based models of entrepreneurship and business creation, as well as to a contextual approach to the venture creation process (i.e. the idea that the character of the venture creation process depends on the type of business and industry).
Teaching methods
The course will be based on student activating lectures.
The student’s grade will depend on three factors:
- Assignments and presentations (group/individual)
- Final executive summary (group)
- Written exam (individual)
Students will be required to satisfactory complete all of the course assignments in order to receive a passing grade.
Transitional provisions
The examination will be provided during a period of two years after a close-down of the course. Examination may take place under a previous reading list, up to the next course occasion.
Other directives
The course language is English.
The course is offered within the framework of the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. Responsible institution: Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)