Course syllabus for Challenges for the Emerging City - Open Lab Multidisciplinary Concept Course

Utmaningar för den växande staden - interdisciplinär konceptkurs inom OpenLab

Essential data

Course code: 2XX067
Course name: Challenges for the Emerging City - Open Lab Multidisciplinary Concept Course
Credits: 7.5
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Not applicable
Level: A1N - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Decided by: Board of Higher Education
Decision date: 2014-11-26
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2015

Specific entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree or a professional degree worth at least 180 credits in healthcare. Or 180 credits from a study programme in medicine, dentistry, psychology or speech and language pathology. And proficiency in English equivalent to English B/English 6.


The aim of the course, which is an interdisciplinary project course, is to discuss solutions to large societal challenges in the Stockholm region in new cooperations over the borders between traditional knowledge fields.

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • identify and analyse complex phenomena and present new innovative ideas to consisting use and value for a specific target group,
  • communicate the ideas with the chosen target group employer, and to the other countries,
  • apply interactive and creative working methodology,
  • reflect over and have knowledge of perspective and placements from different knowledge fields and target groups, and
  • design and organise innovation work over different knowledge fields.


The course is given within the framework of OpenLab, a location where students and teachers from Karolinska Institutet, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Södertörn University work with employer from The City of Stockholm, Stockholm County Council and The Stockholm County Administrative Board. Through challenges on themes around the growing city and the sustainable city, students work in project form to design, organise and present an innovative ideas across academic disciplines.

Subject areas: development of ideas, user involvement, business/organisational development, integration, cooperation, communication, design methodology, product development including planning.

Teaching methods

In the course, different working methods, lectures, interdisciplinary group assignment with development project, visit the employers, individual reflective assignments and an individual end-report.


Examination of the course consists of a presentation of the conceptual ideas for the employers, individual reflective assignment and an individual end-report.

For the grade Pass, active participation in work of the group, individual responsibility for part of the presentation for the employers and passed individual assignments are required.

Transitional provisions

Examination will be provided during a time of two years after a possible close-down of the course.

Other directives

The course may not be included in a higher education qualification at the same time with a course whose contents completely or partly corresponds to the course content.

Language of instruction: English

Literature and other teaching aids

Point of departure in the course is that the students will work with a specific problem. Included in the learning activities is that the student themselves will search for information and literature suitable for their task.