Course syllabus for Human, Technology, Organization (HTO)
Människa, teknik, organisation (MTO)
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Occupational therapist - or physiotherapy degree of 180 HE credits or Bachelor's degree in occupational therapy or physiotherapy.
English and Swedish language skills equivalent to English A/English 6 and Swedish B/Swedish 3 at Swedish upper secondary school are also required.
The student should be able to on completion of the course:
- describe and discuss the concept of human-technology-organization (HTO) and current theories, models and research in this area.
- describe and apply methods and procedures for the analysis of systems of work from an HTO perspective.
- from different HTO models suggest measures to improve the interaction human-technology-organization in a manner that promotes human health and welfare and efficiency of the system as a whole.
- reflect on how ergonomic factors are influenced by the interaction human-technology-organization.
- describe and discuss current theories, models and research in the field of work and health.
- describe and discuss current theories, models and research on the importance of leadership for safety, health and job performance.
The course provides a general knowledge of the background and development of the concept of human-technology-organization (HTO). It provides understanding of how people work in interaction with technology, work organization and work environment, and how to design systems of work and work environments that promote health, quality, productivity and efficiency in operations based on ergonomic knowledge. Analysis and management of risk and safety in the work environment are discussed.
The course includes basic organizational theory, with emphasis on work and health. Organisational development and the development of working groups and teams discussed. Theories about the importance of leadership, occupational health and work performance is treated
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of a combination of distance education and scheduled campus teaching. The tuition forms at the campus teaching include lectures, seminars and group assignments. The distance education includes literature studies, group assignments, report writing, interview surveys etc
At the campus compulsory attendance at certain teaching parts can occur.
Examination takes place through individual, written examination, and a written group assignment with oral presentation in seminars. The examination of the written assignment is assessed from both written contents and oral presentation.
The grading scale is Fail/Pass/Pass with distinction.
passed grade attendance at compulsory lectures is required. The course director assesses if, and in that case, how absence can be compensated. Before student has participated in compulsory lectures or compensated absence in accordance with the instructions of Course Director the student's course results will not be reported in LADOK.
Limitation of number examination sessions
The student has the right to participate in six examination sessions. If the student has not passed after four examination sessions, the student is urged to visit the study adviser.
Every time the student participates in the same test counts as an examination session. Submission of blank exam is counted as examination session. Examination session to which the student has registered but not participated in will not be counted as an examination session.
Other directives
Course evaluation will be carried out according to the guidelines established by the Board for education and also according to evaluation routines within the Master's programme (one-year) in work and health.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Arbete och teknik på människans villkor, Bohgard, Mats, 2. uppl. : Stockholm : Prevent, 2011 - 740 s. ISBN: 978-91-7365-110-3 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 12237276, *
- Sandkull, Bengt; Johansson, Jan, Från Taylor till Toyota : betraktelser av den industriella produktionens organisation och ekonomi, 2. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2000 - 235 s. ISBN: 91-44-01346-9 (korr.), LIBRIS-ID: 8352906, *
- Döös, Marianne; Waldenström, Kerstin, Chefskapets former och resultat: två kunskapsöversikter om arbetsplatsens ledarskap, Stockholm : VINNOVA, 2007 - 221 s. ISBN: 978-91-85959-26-6, LIBRIS-ID: 11254842, *
- Allvin, Michael, Gränslöst arbete: socialpsykologiska perspektiv på det nya arbetslivet, 1. uppl. : Malmö : Liber, 2006 - 188 s. ISBN: 91-47-07631-3, LIBRIS-ID: 10057493,, *
- Svedberg, Lars, Gruppsykologi: om grupper, organisationer och ledarskap, 4., [bearb., uppdaterade och kompletterade] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2007 - 428 s. ISBN: 978-91-44-01983-3, LIBRIS-ID: 10303049,
- The dynamics of organizations and healthy work, Marklund, Staffan; Härenstam, Annika, 1. uppl. : Växjö : Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, cop. 2010 - 159 s. ISBN: 978-91-86491-58-1, LIBRIS-ID: 12093522,
- Waldenström, Kerstin; Härenstam, Annika, Hur skapas bra arbetsförhållanden?: en studie av strategier hos chefer och anställda, Stockholm : Arbets- och miljömedicin, 2006 - 22 s. LIBRIS-ID: 10581187,,
- Bruzelius, Lars H.; Skärvad, Per-Hugo; Hofvander, Niklas, Integrerad organisationslära, 10., [rev. och aktualiserade] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur AB, 2011 - 480 s. ISBN: 978-91-44-07109-1 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 12074119,