Course syllabus for Inequality in Health and Health Care - Theory, Methods and Measurements
Ojämlikhet i hälsa - teori, metod och mått
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
At least grade E at all courses on term 1 and at least 10 ECTS from courses at term 2.
At the end of the course students should:
1. be able to understand the social justice theories concerning equity in health and health care policy and systems.
2. be able to understand the most frequently used methods for analyzing inequality/inequity.
3. be able to understand the advantage and disadvantages of employing different methods.
4. be able to understand the differences and similarities of data collection procedures for inequality studies in developed and developing countries.
5. be able to analyze data from both developed and developing countries using computer programmes (Excel and STATA).
6. be able to interpret results from analyses in the light of social justice theories.
7. be able to understand how to use the information for health and health care policy and system reforms.
The course will have three different parts. First, the theories of social justice concerning equity in health and health care. Second, the most frequently used methods, measurements and rationale for analyzing inequality in health and health care. A number of modern measurements with a focus on the most frequently used ones, namely, Gini-coefficient and Concentration Index, Kakwani Index will be critically studied and taught. The students will even go through the procedures for preparing datasets in different contexts (individual and household data, in developed and developing country etc.). We shall even put emphasis on horizontal and vertical equity. Third, in the practical sessions, the students will go through the introduction of computer programme STATA. They will then analyze data for measuring inequality by focusing on research questions, methods, relevant measurements and finally, will interpret the results in the light of social justice theories, health policy and systems.
Teaching methods
Teaching will be performed through lectures, practical sessions and assignments.
The examination consists of practical case studies in computer laboratory and a written assignment. The
examination will be assessed using the following grades: fail or pass. For the students who have not received a passing grade at the regularly scheduled examination, a reexamination can be arranged.
Compulsory attendance:
A student who does not pass the examination on the first occasion is offered a
maximum of five additional opportunities to sit the examination. If a student has not passed the examination after a total of four attempts then it is recommended that the student retake the whole course at the next opportunity. Following this the student is permitted to sit the examination on another two occasions. A student who fails the examination on six occasions is not permitted to sit the examination again or to retake the course.
Participation in an examination is defined as an occasion on which a student attends an examination, even if the student submits a blank examination paper. If a student has registered to sit an examination, but does not attend the examination, this is not defined as participation in the examination.
Transitional provisions
The course has been cancelled.
Other directives
The course language is English.