Course syllabus for Information literacy: searching, writing and presenting science

Informationskompetens: att söka, skriva och presentera vetenskap

Essential data

Course code: 4FF013
Course name: Information literacy: searching, writing and presenting science
Credits: 4
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Translational Physiology and Pharmacology
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department: Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Decided by: Education committee FyFa
Decision date: 2023-03-20
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2023

Specific entry requirements

At least the grade Pass on the courses Integrated physiology and pharmacology (semester 1) and Physiological and pharmacological mechanisms and experimental methods (semester 2) on the Master programme in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology.


The aim of the course is that the student should develop their knowledge to search and handle scientific information and their medical scientific writing and presentation as well as their information competence.

After completing the course, the student shall be able to:

  • search scientific literature using adequate search strategies
  • analyse scientific articles and based on study design, statistical methods, results and conclusions extract information
  • understand how to write a scientific article and send in it for publication
  • explain the publication process including how to use relevant resources to choose an appropriate journal for publication of research
  • write other types of texts that are required for a scientific career, inform other students in writing and orally about the a specific topic in a medical scientific field
  • give, take and apply constructive feedback as peer review


Contents that are included are to write a review article, research application and popular-science texts; search and analyse scientific literature; and understand the publication process as well as use relevant resources and articles to present a summary of information in written and oral form.

Teaching methods

The course has a mixture of learning activities where web based learning is combined with lectures, group work and seminar with poster presentation and opposition.


Feedback and opposition. Graded Fail/Pass.

Individual written presentation Graded Fail/Pass/Pass with distinction.

Individual oral presentation Graded Fail/Pass.

Individual reflection of own learning. Graded Fail/Pass.

To pass the course (grade Pass or higher), at least Pass on all examinations in the course is required. To get a Pass with distinction in the course, it is necessary to have pass with distinction in the individual written presentation.

Limitation of number of examination
The students who have not passed the course according to the schedule are allowed to revise and hand in the report and/or do the oral presentation for a maximum of five additional occasions. If the student has failed six times in total, no further examination or continuation in the course participation is allowed. As submission, the times that the student submitted a revised version of the assignment and/or orally presented to examining teachers is counted.

In the event of special circumstances, or if a student with a disability is in need of certain adjustments, the examiner may decide to depart from the syllabus' regulations on examination form, number of examination opportunities, possibility of completion or exemption from compulsory educational elements, etc. Content and intended learning outcomes as well as the level of expected skills, knowledge and abilities must not be altered, removed or lowered.

Other directives

The course is offered in English. Course evaluation is carried out according to the guidelines that are established by the Committee for education at basic level and second cycle.

Literature and other teaching aids

Recommended literature

  • Hofmann, Angelika H., Scientific writing and communication: papers, proposals, and presentations, Fifth edition : New York : Oxford University Press, [2023] - xxiii, 753 pages ISBN: 9780197613795, LIBRIS-ID: t92vkh77r7mshs78,

Material avaliable on the course web.