Course syllabus for Epidemiological methods for studying determinants of health
Epidemiologiska metoder för att studera sjukdomars bestämningsfaktorer
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Bachelor of science or professional qualification of at least 180 credits within public health, health care, or a subject area relevant to social sciences. Furthermore, knowledge in English equivalent to English B (with at least the Pass grade) is required.
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- formulate principles of various types of common epidemiological study designs, and describe their strengths and weaknesses,
- calculate and interpret measures on disease occurence and relationships, and describe how a specific measure is influenced by the study design,
- describe theoretical models for causality and discuss principles of causal mechanisms
- identify and explain various types of sources of errors in epidemiological studies,
- explain and discuss epidemiological concepts including validity and precision related to different epidemiological study designs,
- draw conclusions from epidemiological scientific articles and summarise and review these critically based on study design, results, validity and precision.
The course focuses on epidemiological theory and practice. It contains principles of design, analysis and interpretation of epidemiological studies. The course introduces the concept of causality, concepts related to study basis, measures on disease occurence and measures on relationships, effect modification, common designs for epidemiological studies (cohort studies, case control studies, cross-section studies) and the importance of various types of sources of errors.
Teaching methods
The course focuses on active learning i.e. to turn knowledge into practice and critical reflection. Different strategies for learning will be used such as lectures, seminars, group discussions and various types of group work with selected themes.
To pass on the course the student should show that the expected learning outcomes have been achieved. Four examination forms are used: group assignments, written and oral individual assignments and written examination.
Group assignments and seminars are compulsory. An oral presentation of an individual assignment, a written summary of the individual assignment and to be student opponent on another student's individual assignment is also compulsory. These compulsory assignments are graded with Fail/Pass. Written examination is graded with Fail/Pass/Pass with distinction.
Compulsory participation
The course director assesses if and how absence from compulsory parts can be compensated. Before the student has participated in compulsory parts or compensated absence in accordance with the course director's instructions the student's course results will not be reported to LADOK.
Limitation of number examination sessions
The student has the right to participate in six examination sessions. If the student has not passed after four examination sessions, the student is urged to visit the study adviser.
Every time the student participates in the same test counts as an examination session. Submission of blank exam is counted as examination session. Examination session to which the student has registered but not participated in will not be counted as an examination session.
Transitional provisions
The course has been cancelled and was offered for the last time in the spring semester of 2017. Examination will be provided until the spring semester of 2025 for students who have not completed the course.
Other directives
Course evaluation is carried out according to the guidelines that are established by the Board of education.
The course is given in English.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Norell, Staffan, Workbook of epidemiology, New York ;a Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1995 - x, 317 s. ISBN: 0-19-507490-4 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 4611326, *
- Gordis, Leon, Epidemiology, Fifth edition. : - xv, 392 pages ISBN: 9781455737338 (pbk. : alk. paper), LIBRIS-ID: 16006705, *