Course syllabus for Degree Project in Clinical medical science

Examensarbete i klinisk medicinsk vetenskap

Essential data

Course code: 4KL003
Course name: Degree Project in Clinical medical science
Credits: 30
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Clinical Medical Science
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department: Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Decision date: 2008-11-21
Revised by: Programme Committee 9
Last revised: 2015-05-06
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2015

Specific entry requirements

Admitted to the Master Programme in Clinical Medical Science. Completion of semesters 1 and 2 with approved results and General principles for scientific work 2 with approved results or the equivalent skills within clinical medical science


The aims of the course are that the student should have acquired an advanced understanding of a chosen subject within clinical medical science and developed his/her knowledge in scientific method and in planning and carrying out scientific studies. This by independently carrying out, presenting and discussing a scientific empirical study, and, critically, reviewing an equivalent work.

Knowledge and understanding
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- show advanced knowledge about the disciplinary domain including an overview of the domain as well as specific knowledge of the chosen field of advanced study
- demonstrate advanced knowledge in scientific methodology of relevance for the interdisciplinary field
- independently and systematically critically discuss, understand, explain and argue for scientific theories, models, methods and their application and relevance to the interdisciplinary field
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of all parts of the scientific publication process

Skills and ability
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- identify, formulate, analyse, reflect and assess problems of relevance for the interdisciplinary field and independently formulate questions for the degree project
- choose, discuss and argue for the choice of a research design and method
- within a given time-frame and based on a scientific approach, independently, carry out and complete an empirical study that contributes to knowledge within the interdisciplinary field
- in a an advanced way apply and reflect on research-ethical principles and guidelines
- in an advanced way communicate one's own and others' research in writing, as well as orally
- on the basis of a scientific approach in national and international contexts, orally and in writing communicate one's own and others' research
- based on the own degree project apply the different parts of the scientific publication process

Assessment ability and attitudes
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- identify, apply, discuss and argue about research-ethical considerations on the basis of one's own and fellow students' degree projects.
- demonstrate an understanding of the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in the society and people's responsibility for how it is used
- demonstrate ability to synthesise existing knowledge and identify needs of additional knowledge within the interdisciplinary field and be able to suggest and argue for further research based on own and others' studies


The contents of the course
- identification and delimitation of relevant research questions
- research-ethical considerations
- collection, analysis and compilation of data
- writing of an independent scientific work, preferably in English, in the form of an empirical study reported in the form of an article with a theoretical framework
- presentation and discussion of results
- presentation and defence of one's own degree project
- opposition of another student's degree project

Teaching methods

The working methods of the course consist of, under supervision, individually and in groups, planning, carrying out and reporting an, independently written, scientific work in the form of an empirical study. Compulsory teaching in the form of seminars and supervision, individually and in a group, occur. In case of absence from compulsory parts, turn to the course director.


Examination consists of presentation and argumentation (thesis defence) of an independently written empirical study, preferably in English, reported in the form of an article with a theoretical framework as well as examination and discussion (opposition) of another student's degree project. The Degree Project, the thesis defence and the thesis review should cover all learning outcomes in the course, which are assessed separately. The examination is assessed both on the written contents and active participation (respondent and opponent) in the seminar.

The grading system is Passed with distinction/Passed/Failed. For a Pass with distinction in the course, a Pass with distinction on the critical oral review, the thesis defence and the written report is required. For a Pass grade in the course, a Pass on the critical oral review, the thesis defence and the written report is required.

A student without approved results after three completed examinations may be offered to take the course once more. However, there are at most six examination opportunities for each course. Examination times are announced at the beginning of the course.

Transitional provisions

The course is closed down and is given for the last time starting autumn semester 2015. For students who have not completed the course examination according to this course syllabus will be given for the last time spring semester 2017.

Other directives

Course evaluation takes place in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education.

Literature and other teaching aids

  • Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 6. ed. : Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, cop. 2010, [eg. 2009] - xviii, 272 p. ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 (pbk), LIBRIS-ID: 11503766,
  • Hofmann, Angelika H., Scientific writing and communication: papers, proposals, and presentations, 2. uppl. : New York : Oxford University Press, 2014 - 726 p. ISBN: 9780199947560, LIBRIS-ID: 16966223,
  • Ethics in qualitative research, Mauthner, Melanie, London ; a Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications Ltd, 2002 - x, 172 s. ISBN: 0-7619-7309-5 (hft.), LIBRIS-ID: 8954442,
  • Gustafsson, Bengt; Hermerén, Göran; Petersson, Bo, Good research practice - what is it?: views, guidelines and examples, Stockholm : Vetenskapsrådet, 2006 - 89 s. ISBN: 91-7307-086-6, LIBRIS-ID: 10161165,,
  • Lafolie, Pierre, How to write a successful application to a research ethics committee, Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet University Press, 2006 - 74 s. ISBN: 91-85565-00-8, LIBRIS-ID: 10201903,
  • Creswell, John W.; Plano Clark, Vicki L, Designing and conducting mixed methods research, Thousand Oaks, Calif. ; a London : SAGE, cop. 2007 - xviii, 275 p. ISBN: 9781412927918 (hbk.), LIBRIS-ID: 10467450,,
  • Hulley, Stephen B., Designing clinical research, 3. ed. : Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, cop. 2007 - xv, 367 p. ISBN: 9780781782104, LIBRIS-ID: 10535344,
  • Maxwell, Joseph A., Qualitative research design: an interactive approach, 2. ed. : Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications, cop. 2005 - 175 s. ISBN: 0-7619-2607-0 (cloth), LIBRIS-ID: 9527020,
  • Altman, Douglas G.; Gardner, M. J. q (Martin John), Statistics with confidence [Elektronisk resurs] b confidence intervals and statistical guidelines., 2nd ed. / b edited by Douglas G. Altman .. [et al.]. : [Great Britain] : BMJ Books, 2000. - xii, 240 p. LIBRIS-ID: 9773694, z Tillgänglig för användare inom Uppsala universitet,
  • Cohen, Jacob, Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences, 2. ed. : Hillsdale : L. Erlbaum Associates, 1988 - xxi, 567 s. ISBN: 0-8058-0283-5, LIBRIS-ID: 8310412,
  • Handbook of health research methods: investigation, measurement and analysis, Bowling, Ann; Ebrahim, Shah, Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2005 - x, 625 s. ISBN: 978-0-335-21461-7 (hbk.), LIBRIS-ID: 9951075,
  • Howell, David C., Fundamental statistics for the behavioral sciences, 6. ed. : Belmont, CA : Thomson/Wadsworth, cop. 2008 - xiv, 594 p. ISBN: 0495099007 (hbk.), LIBRIS-ID: 10469533,
  • Nunnally, Jum C.; Bernstein, Ira H., Psychometric theory, 3. ed. : New York : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1994 - xxiv, 752 s. ISBN: 0-07-047849-X, LIBRIS-ID: 8273692,
  • Pett, Marjorie A., Nonparametric statistics for health care research: statistics for small samples and unusual distributions, Thousand Oaks : Sage, cop. 1997 - 307 s. ISBN: 0-8039-7038-2, LIBRIS-ID: 5691752,
  • Streiner, David L.; Norman, Geoffrey R., Health measurement scales: a practical guide to their development and use, 3. ed. : Oxford : Oxford University Press, cop. 2003 - xii, 283 s. ISBN: 0-19-852847-7, LIBRIS-ID: 9079866,
  • Vittinghoff, Eric, Regression methods in biostatistics: linear, logistic, survival, and repeated measures models, New York : Springer, cop. 2005 - xv, 340 p. ISBN: 0-387-20275-7 (acid-free paper), LIBRIS-ID: 9962279,
  • Dahlberg, Karin, Reflective Lifeworld Research, 2. uppl. : Studentlitteratur AB, 2008 ISBN: 91-44-04925-0, LIBRIS-ID: 10616729,
  • Interpretive phenomenology: embodiment, caring and ethics in health and illness, Benner, Patricia E., London : Sage, cop. 1994 - 372 s. ISBN: 0-8039-5723-8 (hft.), LIBRIS-ID: 5691132,
  • Krippendorff, Klaus, Content analysis: an introduction to its methodology, 2. ed. : Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage, cop. 2004 - xxiii, 413 s. ISBN: 0-7619-1544-3 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 9415626,
  • Kvale, Steinar, Interviews: an introduction to qualitative research interviewing, Thousand Oaks : SAGE, cop. 1996 - xvii, 326 s. ISBN: 0-8039-5819-6 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 5691182,
  • Morse, Janice M; Field, Peggy-Anne; Field, Peggy-Anne. t Nursing research, Qualitative research methods for health professionals, 2nd ed : Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c1995. - 254 s. ISBN: 0-8039-7326-8, LIBRIS-ID: 5691888,
  • Phenomenology and psychological research, Aanstoos, Christopher; Giorgi, Amedeo, Pittsburgh, Pa. : Duquesne University Press, 1985 - x, 216 s. ISBN: 0-8207-0174-2, LIBRIS-ID: 5782272,
  • Strauss, Anselm L.; Corbin, Juliet M., Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory, 2. ed. : Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE, cop. 1998 - xiii, 312 s. ISBN: 0-8039-5939-7 (inb.), LIBRIS-ID: 5691227,
  • Writing in the dark: phenomenological studies in interpretive inquiry, Van Manen, Max., London, Ont. : Althouse, 2002 - 252 p. ISBN: 0-920354-49-1 (pbk.), LIBRIS-ID: 8424780,