Course syllabus for Traineeship in nutrition science II

Praktik inom nutritionsvetenskap II

Essential data

Course code: 4NT032
Course name: Traineeship in nutrition science II
Credits: 15
Form of Education: Higher education, study regulation of 2007
Main field of study: Nutrition Science
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Medicine, Huddinge
Decided by: Education committee BioNut
Decision date: 2024-03-05
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2024

Specific entry requirements

At least grade pass for the courses "Diet and health - scientific evidence, recommendations and sustainability" (4NT000, 4NT021), "Molecular and genetic mechanisms in nutrition science" (4NT001, 4NT022), "Diet, physical activity and fitness - assessment and evaluation" (4NT002, 4NT023) and "Diet, physical activity and disease prevention - interventions, mHealth and eHealth" (4NT003, 4NT024), and "Traineeship in nutrition science I" (4NT010, 4NT031) within the Master's Programme in Nutrition Science.


After completing the course, the student should be able to

  • carry out the qualified work tasks related to the field of nutrition science stated in the individual plan for the traineeship.
  • identify and describe the knowledge, skills and competences that are needed in the chosen traineeship, general and in relation to the field of nutrition science, and compare these with the knowledge, competences and skills identified in the course Traineeship in nutrition science I.
  • identify and reflect on their own strengths and areas that need to be further developed in relation to the knowledge, competences and skills and that are needed in the chosen traineeship.
  • describe and discuss how the work in relation to the nutrition area is organised and how it is conducted within the workplace.
  • briefly describe and discuss the organization of the workplace.
  • show awareness of ethical aspects of activity as well as the promotion of a healthy working environment and sustainable development at the workplace.
  • reflect on what basis the traineeship provides for the students' choice of future career paths or further studies.


The purpose of the course is to give the student the opportunity to gain a broadened or deepened experience of work in nutrition-related areas outside academia and thereby strengthen the student's competence and employability in nutrition-related work places. The student is encouraged to find a place and supervisor for the traineeship in the field of nutrition science. A plan for the traineeship is made by the student together with the supervisor at the workplace, which must be approved by the examiner before the traineeship begins. The plan for the traineeship and the work tasks must differ in comparison with the course Traineeship in nutrition I.

Traineeship in nutrition science II, 15.0 credits

Grading scale: GU

Teaching methods

During the traineeship, the student work as an employee in the daily work activities and at the same working hours as other employees at the workplace and take part in all activities involved in this work. The student's work tasks must be stated in the individual work plan. If there are deviations from the work plan, the examiner must be informed and must approve these. A mid-time follow-up is also included in the course.


The examination of the course consists of a written report (graded Pass/Fail) and oral presentation (graded Pass/Fail). To pass the course, the written report and oral presentation must fulfilthe criteria for Pass. The grading criteria are provided in Canvas.

In the case a student fails the written report, it can be complemented to get a Pass. The assignment can be resubmitted a maximum of five more times. After six failed assignments, no further examination opportunities will be given for that assignment. If the student has not submitted complementation at given deadline, grade Fail is given. A student who has failed two examinations for a course or part of a course, is entitled to have another examiner appointed unless special reasons speak against it.

Compulsory participation:
In order to begin the work, the student, in collaboration with the supervisor, must write and submit a plan for the proposed traineeship that must be approved by the examiner before the traineeship can be started.

If, at or after the hafl-time follow-up, it becomes evident that the student has deviated significantly from his/her work commitments in agreement with the supervisor, which seriously complicates the traineeship and the supervision, the examiner can in advance decide to give a grade of fail for the student.

If there are special reasons, or need for adaptions for a student with a disability, the examiner may decide to depart from the syllabus's regulations on examination form, number of examination opportunities, possibility of complementation of or exemption from compulsory activities, etc. Content and learning outcomes as well as the level of expected skills, knowledge and abilities must not be altered, removed or lowered.

Other directives

The course is given in English.

This course replaces the course Traineeship in nutrition science II, 15 credits (4NT011) and cannot be included in a degree together with the latter course.

Literature and other teaching aids

The course literature consists of scientific articles, reports or other literature or resources relevant for the traineeship.