Course syllabus for Target Organ Toxicology
System- och vävnadstoxikologi
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
Bachelor of science or professional qualification of at least 180 credits in biomedicine, biology, cell and molecular biology, pharmacy, nutrition, chemistry, medicine or biotechnology. Furthermore, knowledge in English equivalent to English B at Swedish upper secondary school is required.
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
Regarding knowledge and understanding
- explain central concepts of toxicity and the underlying mechanisms,
Regarding skills and ability
- critically, independently, and creatively identify and formulate toxicological questions,
- interpret, analyse and describe the signs of toxicity that toxic compounds cause and relate this to the structure and function of the tissues and organs,
- suggest approaches to assess causes of organ toxicity,
Regarding judgement and approach
- scientifically assess alternative interpretations of reasons for toxicity and critically evaluate literature sources,
- discuss own conclusions on relevant features of toxicity and underlying mechanisms and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based.
The course includes mechanisms and toxicity of chemical substances that can be hazardous to human health or to sustainable development in an individual, population and global perspective.
The course consists of the following parts:
Mechanisms and effects in different organ systems, 7.0 credits
Grading scale: GU
Toxic effects and their underlying mechanisms in different organ systems (e.g. liver, kidney, lung, nervous and reproductive systems). Mechanisms and principles for genotoxicity and chemical carcinogenesis. Clinical toxicology and the toxicology of environmental pollutants.
Integration of target organ toxicology, 7.5 credits
Grading scale: VU
Integration of mechanisms and effects of toxic compounds.
Teaching methods
The course builds largely on problem-based learning in the form of different case studies with oral and written presentation. Furthermore, lectures, seminars, group discussions, practical demonstrations and study visits are included.
Mechanisms and effects in different organ systems (7 credits). The examination consists of written and oral presentation. Graded Pass/Fail.
Integration of target organ toxicology (7.5 credits). The examination consists of written examination. Graded Pass with Distinction/Pass/Fail.
The course grade is based on the grade of the part Integration of target organ toxicology.
Compulsory participation
All practical demonstrations, study visits and group exercises including presentations are compulsory. The course director assesses if and, in that case, how absence can be compensated. Before the student has participated in all compulsory parts or compensated absence in accordance with the course director's instructions, the student's results for respective part will not be registered in LADOK.
Transitional provisions
The course has been cancelled and was offered for the last time in the fall semester of 2016. Examination will be provided until the fall semester of 2024 for students who have not completed the course.
Other directives
The course language is English.
Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Higher Education.
Oral evaluation in the form of course council meetings will be carried out during the course.
Literature and other teaching aids
Mandatory literature
- Casarett, Louis J.; Doull, John, Casarett and Doull's toxicology: the basic science of poisons, Klaassen, Curtis D., 8th ed. : New York : McGraw-Hill, 2013. - 1454 s. ISBN: 9780071769235 (Book + DVD), LIBRIS-ID: 14293294, Contributor biographical information, *
Handouts and other assigned literature